07 November 2016


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Teen treated like dirt should dust herself o_ and move on

Teen treated like dirt should dust herself o_ and move on

Miller Cove residents want street light Neighborhood presents Marion Council with safety concerns news@theeveningtimes.com A resident on Mille...
04 November 2016


HOROSCOPE y9 J.WV\5UIWIUA5U AMIES ( Maurdh 21 toApiri 19) TMJMJS(Apri2 toMay2) (SEMEM(May21toJtarn©21 GANCE.(Jam21ttJuly22) For Saturday, N...
Secert marriage threatens to tear Thai family apart

Secert marriage threatens to tear Thai family apart

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Secert marriage threatens to tear Thai family apart DEAR ABBY: Our daughter, a young Thai adult, is socially imm...
No medicine is free from the possibility of side e_ects

No medicine is free from the possibility of side e_ects

Ask UDiTo KdMDn IEdDsadh MJD) Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D No medicine is free from the possibility of side e_ects DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 66-year-ol...
03 November 2016
Degenerative disk disease is more than a pain in the back

Degenerative disk disease is more than a pain in the back

Ask IDte KdtÜh Itaidbi ML© Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D Degenerative disk disease is more than a pain in the back DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 66-year-o...
Change in the weather signals time to change alarm batteries

Change in the weather signals time to change alarm batteries

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Change in the weather signals time to change alarm batteries DEAR ABBY: Fall is here and as we prepare for a cha...
02 November 2016
AdkPffoKffiBtìhEdMKdhMLB Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D

AdkPffoKffiBtìhEdMKdhMLB Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D

AdkPffoKffiBtìhEdMKdhMLB Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an active 72-year-old male, who is in pretty good physical condition. I d...
assistance, not a lecture

assistance, not a lecture

AWM students enjoy ‘book tasting’ event Feed your mind and your body with a book and a snack West Memphis School District Students at the Ac...
01 November 2016
Rude sisiter-in-law’s demands put damper on holiday giving

Rude sisiter-in-law’s demands put damper on holiday giving

IBXmr ÀJblby Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Rude sisiter-in-law’s demands put damper on holiday giving ByAHgtÆVmBwmm DEAR ABBY: My broth...
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