03 July 2017


Tips for applying testosterone gel

Tips for applying testosterone gel

Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D Tips for applying testosterone gel DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 84-year-old male. I recently switched from testosterone patc...
30 June 2017


Suicide rate among older men is overlooked tragedy

Suicide rate among older men is overlooked tragedy

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Suicide rate among older men is overlooked tragedy DEAR ABBY: My elderly father's dearest friend committed...


Severe cramp may have caused a blood vessel to burst

Severe cramp may have caused a blood vessel to burst

Ask ©D°o KdÄ EdMidn MUD) Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D Severe cramp may have caused a blood vessel to burst DEAR DR. ROACH: Several months ago, I ...
29 June 2017


Breast cancer drugs may leave survivors susceptible to bone loss

Breast cancer drugs may leave survivors susceptible to bone loss

Ask Pro IK©ñ(tDn EdPffldn MJD) Dr. Keith Roach M.D Breast cancer drugs may leave survivors susceptible to bone loss DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 69...




MOEOSCOIFE HOROSCOPE AMES (Msmrda to Apri If) For Friday, June 30, 2017 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) This has been a challenging week, and today...


Teen immersed in electronics is losing touch with people

Teen immersed in electronics is losing touch with people

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Teen immersed in electronics is losing touch with people DEAR ABBY: I've been dating a wonderful woman fo...
28 June 2017




HOROSCOPE 21toJJam©2 For Thursday, June 29, 2017 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Today the Moon is opposite your sign, which means you have to go...


Hospital patient receives surprise anatomy lesson

Hospital patient receives surprise anatomy lesson

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Hospital patient receives surprise anatomy lesson DEAR ABBY: I recently had to spend a night in the hospital fo...


Will Miracle Fruit bring back sense of taste?

Will Miracle Fruit bring back sense of taste?

Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D IDte IMtffln Mtmdn MJD) Will Miracle Fruit bring back sense of taste? DEAR DR. ROACH: In a recent column regarding the ...
27 June 2017


Often, treating symptoms is better than treating lab results

Often, treating symptoms is better than treating lab results

Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D HDiTo IKefittDn EdMdh MJD) Often, treating symptoms is better than treating lab results DEAR DR. ROACH: A few months ag...
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