22 August 2017
Family’s tolerance of verbal abuse is red flag for girlfriend

Family’s tolerance of verbal abuse is red flag for girlfriend

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Family’s tolerance of verbal abuse is red flag for girlfriend DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend and I have been togethe...
Is cholesterol goal change too much of a good thing?

Is cholesterol goal change too much of a good thing?

Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D Is cholesterol goal change too much of a good thing? UDiFo KdiDn Itaodln MJD) DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 85-year-old fe...


H«©§(C(Q)IPE HOROSCOPE AMDE§ (Mardh 21 to ApirSH 12>) TATOUS (Apri 2 ® to Mæy 2 ® (GEMIMI (Mæy 21 to Jam© 2 ® For Wednes...
21 August 2017


M(Q)MO§C(Q)IPE HOROSCOPE AMIES (Maurelln 21 to Apri USD) For Tuesday, August 22, 2017 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Your focus will shift to your...
Family would rather punish than praise recovering addict

Family would rather punish than praise recovering addict

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Family would rather punish than praise recovering addict DEAR ABBY: I am a recovering drug addict. I have slipp...
Gallstone after gallbladder surgery puzzles reader

Gallstone after gallbladder surgery puzzles reader

Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D IOiTo IMftlh E®aidn MLB Gallstone after gallbladder surgery puzzles reader DEAR DR. ROACH: I was diagnosed with Gilbe...
18 August 2017
Electronic pacemaker won’t keep heart beating forever

Electronic pacemaker won’t keep heart beating forever

Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D Adk IDte IKdlfln Itaodn MUD) Electronic pacemaker won't keep heart beating forever DEAR DR. ROACH: How does a person wi...
Man questions his dating style after being cheated on twice

Man questions his dating style after being cheated on twice

Dear Abby ByAbigailVmMmmm Man questions his dating style after being cheated on twice By Abigail Van Buren DEAR ABBY: I have been in two rela...


HOROSCOPE MOEOSCOIFE AIMES(Maurdn21toApri19) TMMUS(Apri2®toMay2® For Saturday, August 19, 2017 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) This is a great ...
17 August 2017
With twins on the way, man still refuses to buy a ring

With twins on the way, man still refuses to buy a ring

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren With twins on the way, man still refuses to buy a ring DEAR ABBY: I have been with my boyfriend for three years....
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