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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.


Here’s what everyone is talking about this week:

This so-called mayor needs to get over herself. If she doesn’t like her salary, she has the right to resign her position and go get another job. That probably won’t happen given the fact that she has delusions of grandeur where she thinks she is irreplaceable and only she can do the job. Nothing could be further from the truth. She has attempted to brow-beat the Turrell City Council to give her more money since she first took office. It’s been all about her from day one, from the personal use of city equipment and personal use of the city vehicle. She initially gave false information to the attorney for the Arkansas Municipal League and attempted to use his response as an excuse for her to get a raise. Here is a piece of a story previously published in the Evening Times regarding that incident: ‘Cooper claims the council violated state law when they reduced the salary because a city may not decrease salaries during the terms which officials have been elected, and that it was directed at her personally. She pointed this out again during a special council meeting on Tuesday. 'I attended the Arkansas Municipal League conference last week and asked Mark Hays, the legal attorney for the Municipal League, if the city council could decrease the salary of the mayor, and he shared with me 'no,'' Cooper said. 'That's the same thing I have been sharing with the city council ever since I came in to office.' But according to Councilman Floyd Holmes, that's just not true. He said Cooper did not give Hays the right facts and that Hays told another city council member that they did not break state law when they reduced the salary. 'She talked to the attorney but didn't give him the right information,' Holmes said. 'One of the council members talked to Mr. Hays and he said we did nothing at all wrong.' Holmes said it had nothing to do with Cooper being elected mayor.’ Again, if Cooper doesn’t like what her salary is, she has the option to resign. I would also like to see the Turrell City Council do an audit of her use of the city vehicle for personal reasons. She has been known to use the city vehicle to attend meetings that have nothing whatsoever to do with Turrell city business. If she cannot prove that the mileage and fuel she has used was solely used for city business, she should be required to reimburse the city. If she refuses, criminal charges should be pursued. [ Editor’s Note: I have no doubt that the mayor of Turrell has the city’s best interests at heart. I have seen her working, even before her election, to affect positive change in the Turrell community. I have never been a town mayor, and have no aspirations to be one, so I can not speak to how difficult it is or isn’t to serve in that capacity, but $ 24,000 a year to oversee a town of around 600 folks just appears to be excessive. I will, however, point out once again that that’s what the job paid up until 2015 when she took office] ***

You really need a proof reader. “PRUDE” of Ruth.

Really? [ Editor’s Note: Thanks for pointing it out. I’m not going to make excuses. It happens from time to time, especially if the typo results in a real word ( in this case “ prude” instead of “ pride.”

We don’t rely entirely on spellcheck though, there are at least 6- 10 human eyes that go through the paper before printing every day, and honestly, like I’ve said before, I do at least take solace in that, 1) we usually catch the typos before we go to press, and 2) a quick Google search for “ newspaper typos” will show you that everyone from the “ Wall Street Journal” to the “ Podunk Courier” has a typo or two every week or so, and 3) there are about 7,000 words in any given edition of the paper, s even if you miss five typos a week, thats 5 out of 35,000 words read. I feel OK about a 99.99985714 level of accuracy. Well, that’s not entirely true. I still hate typos. So far, we’ve managed to avoid some of the “ biggies” of the business, like typing an “ i” instead of a “ u” in “ shut off” or leaving the “ l” out of “ public” … but apologies all around to “ Pride of Ruth/ St.


*** the person that said that they support Bass is ate up with ignorance. First off, he’s not a good business or he wouldn’t get mad and stomp out of most meetings before they’re through conducting business.

The second thing is this, a God fearing man doesn’t throw out racial slurs and hate toward people if he’s a follower of God. Your text tells me you and Bass are two peas in a pod and deserve each other. [ Editor’s Note: I contended in an earlier “ Text the Times” that if someone were to run against him, we’d see how much support he actually has in his district. Clearly he has at least one supporter.

And I’m not even saying he is incapable of having good ideas, but sometimes the messenger can ruin the message by way of its delivery]

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