Masner announces School Board re-election bid
Masner announces School Board re-election bid
School Board president files for another term
West Memphis School Board president Gary Masner has announced his intention to seek re-election for another term on the West Memphis School Board.
Masner has served on the West Memphis School Board for 23 years. He holds a Master’s degree in Education Administration from Arkansas State University and has been heavily involved with the school district and the community for more than 40 years.
Masner knows the West Memphis school system well. He is a product of it, a graduate of West Memphis High School. He also knows the classroom, having been a West Memphis School District teacher. He also knows West Memphis, having owned and operated Masner Furniture on East Broadway for 40 years.
Masner also knows the importance of the relationship between the school district and higher education, having served on the Board of ASU Mid-South (formerly Mid-South Community College) for the past 12 years. His service to the community doesn’t stop with the school system. He is a former officer with the West Memphis Chamber of Commerce, a former board member at Main Street West Memphis, a former Crittenden County Literacy Council board member, and a former member of the Good Neighbor Center board.
Masner not only cares about the community but has a vested interest in its continued success.
“My wife Connie and I put three children through the West Memphis schools,” he said. “We still have five grandchildren in the West Memphis School District.” Masner also offered kudos not just to his accomplishments but to the entire board.
“We have a very good school board,” he said.
“And we have a very experienced board with a strong administration in place.
There are improvements being done all over the city at our schools right now.
We have spent money conservatively and wisely. We are academically strong, as strong or stronger than any district in the county. Our scores show it. With your vote, we can continue the good things happening in our school district.”