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Free HIV testing at the Courthouse


Free HIV testing at the Courthouse

County participating in national awareness day Monday

“Take the test, take control.”

Those were the watch words as Melvin Watson announced an upcoming HIV testing day at the Crittenden County Courthouse.

As part of National HIV Testing Awareness Day, Monday June 27, free testing will be available at the courthouse, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Watson, the Arkansas Health Department Community Connector for Northeast Arkansas said the tests were through the de- partment and supported by sponsors ARcare and the local NAACP.

A free gift comes along with a spread of food and information tables at the event. Confidential rapid testing was promised by Watson.

The national campaign falls under the umbrella of the National Association of People with AIDS to encourage people to take the test.

“Too many people don’t know they have HIV,” said Watson.

Statisitics show that one fifth of those with HIV are unaware they are infected which amounts to 1.2 million people living with AIDS unaware.

“Getting tested is the first step to finding out if you have HIV,” said Watson.

“Getting medical care and taking medications regualarly helps HIV patients live longer, healthier lives. Awareness lowers the chances of passing HIV to others. “

Contact Melvin Watson for more information (870) 702-6614.

By John Rech

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