Arkansas Veteran to be inducted into In Memory Program
Arkansas Veteran to be inducted into In Memory Program
Ceremony in Washington, D. C. will honor Vietnam Veterans who sacrificed after the war ended Washington, D.C. – More than 300 Vietnam veterans, including Frankie Dwight Weaver of Arkansas, will be inducted into the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund’s (VVMF) In Memory Program in 2016. The program honors Vietnam veterans whose lives were cut short as a result of their service in Vietnam, but are not eligible for inscription on The Wall under Department of Defense guidelines.
On June 18, VVMF will host more than 2,000 attendees at the annual ceremony on the East Knoll of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. This year, 312 service members will be honored during the ceremony. The master of ceremonies will be Capt. Denis Faherty.
During the In Memory ceremony, the names of all the honorees are read aloud and certificates bearing the honorees' names are placed at The Wall. These certificates are later collected by the National Park Service and stored in a permanent archive.
In Memory began in 1999 and has since honored more than 2,500 veterans. The plaque that honors these veterans was dedicated as a part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 2004. It reads: In Memory of the men and women who served in the Vietnam War and later died as a result of their service. We honor and remember their sacrifice.
The 2016 In Memory Inductee from Arkansas is Frankie Dwight Weaver, U.S. Army, Crossett, Ark., Sept. 21, 1951 – January 26, 2010. For more information on the In Memory program, please visit:
By Heidi Zimmerman