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When Trump lost the 2020 election, (or was cheated out of it), some of his supporters


Dear American Taxpayer: If a number of Republicans in our illustrious Congress have their way we taxpayers are about to be _eeced out of $100 Billion. This little(?) ploy urged on by the Crypto Currency lobby and some members of Congress are going to present legislation entitled the Crypto Currency Reserve Act which enable our government to buy 1 Million pieces of bit currency and with Bit Coin now at $100,000 each that is a lot of zeros. What I don’t know about “crypto currency” you can t in a dump truck, but I do know a con when I see one. My only direct involvement with a crypto currency was a bank offering their customers a 30 day no-risk crypto investment. Digging deep into my kid’s piggy bank I plopped down $25 and it promptly soared to $32 and I was happy. On the 31st day it plunged to $16 then $11 and it was time to get out. My basic understanding of crypto currencies is that they are an alternate currency somewhere deep in the bowels of a computer and are a private currency devoid of government interference. Since this is basically a private enterprise why would it’s backers want the US Government involved and why is the crypto always valued in dollars if you want to buy some. Enter the crypto lobby representing many extremely rich individuals who have speculated in something worth essentially nothing. They have tens of billions of dollars in a speculative investment that could drop to zero in a heart beat and would rather have good “ole Yankee Dollars” or the gold in Fort Knox and Trump is all in for it will benet him tens of millions of dollars. Each and every taxpayer needs to contact their representatives immediately to nip this nonsense in the bud. [Editor’s Note: I’m pretty smart. Not to brag or anything, but I have multiple DeltaARTS Corporate Trivia Challenge championships to prove it. I know a lot about a lot, but I will go on and tell you that the whole crypto currency thing is way outside my wheelhouse. I mean, I get the concept of it, but I don’t understand it on a practical level. I do know, with 100 percent certainty, that it will primarily be used for the rich to get richer and to scam the less rich out of lots of money. So, in many ways, it’s just like any other capitalism-based economic tool. You can bet it’s going to be a big deal over the next four years, though, with Elon Musk so deeply ingrained into the Trump administration that if Trump suddenly stopped walking, Musk would break his nose on Trump’s tailbone. Again, I don’t have a great grasp of crypto, but as long as the “Hawk Tuah” girl gets rich off of it, I guess people will be OK with it …]

went to the Capitol to protest. They were greeted by a show of force and really bad things happened. Some people lost their lives, and others lost their livelihood, Some are even in prison. The result was four years of an administration trying to destroy our great nation. Voters were smart enough to see what was happening, and as result, they returned Trump to lead our country. Now, some in the current administration are trying to complete the destruction before the Inauguration Day. Sad days for the United States. Hopefully, President Trump can save us before it is too late. [Editor’s Note: I started to not even include this since it started with the whole tired “stolen election” bit, but whatever … I’ll say it again, I actually hope trump and his motley crew do well. I’m skeptical, but hey, let’s see what happens …]

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