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Text The Times.

Text The Times.



Here’s what everyone is talking about this week:

Many thanks to you and all your employees for delivering the Wednesday and Friday papers to Grassy Lake subscribers, instead of mailing them. The Black Friday shoppers in my family will now have all the special sales. I really appreciate it! [Editor’s Note: Full disclosure, I did not know the circulation folks had done that, but that was indeed a great move on their part, as it would not even have occurred to me. For all the criticisms we get about our delivery drivers (and some of them are sometimes deserved), that was a smart decision, so thanks for sending this end, and I hope everyone got what was on their Christmas shopping lists!] *** You, from Wednesday’s paper (to the person complaining about the new fire chief filing bankruptcy): “I mean, Donald Trump declared bankruptcy SIX times, and 63 million people thought it was OK to make him the leader of the free world!”. LMAO!!!!! Ralph…..

I like you!!!! [Editor’s Note: It was a softball, I had to hit it. I am not always keen on dragging politics into this column… but since you mention the current resident president, let me just add that I’m finding it super hard, as a lifelong Democrat, to figure out what that party is even trying to do at this point. I wonder if they even know?] *** Love the point-counterpoint! You guys don’t argue like that in real life do you?

[Editor’s Note: Only when Michael tells me to get of his lawn! The funny thing is, for an old conservative curmudgeon and a liberal leftist, we actually can agree on a number of things, but it is fun, and hopefully informative, to debate whatever topic he comes up with each week. Although, I think we’ve thoroughly covered veggie burgers…] *** As the year comes to an end Santa reappears and visits shopping centers for photos and pleas from thousands of children lying about how well they have behaved this year. Situation normal. At the mall, the Santa seat is in the middle of the shopping center ready for his arrival, but there is a sign saying he won’t be there Friday the 13th. I doubt that Santa is superstitious or out on the town, so he must have gone north to update the naughty- nice lists. Situation a bit odd. Another sign states ‘This Santa Set is under constant video surveillance’, presumably to stop any unauthorized late night stolen photo opportunities.

Situation a bit sad. It’s just a small shopping center filled mostly with seniors drinking coffee slowly and little else.

The spirit of Christmas is attached to the walls and halls, although the Santa Set signs diminish it. There is a time for coming together and celebrating the best life brings to everyone around the world but the signs are not good.

Let’s work on it or Santa might have to take this season off. [Editor’s Note: You know, it’s amazing any of us survived as children without being kidnapped or molested by Santa Claus.

I can’t explain why Santa would miss out on Friday the 13th, though. I’d watch the crap out of a “Santa Claus vs. Jason Voorhees” movie. Of course, these days, any kids that end up on the naughty list would probably just sue Jolly Old Saint Nick. There’s another movie idea… “Litigation on 34th Street”] *** Just saw that the KFC/ Taco Bell over by the truck stops closed. So is the one in Marion. What’s up with that? [ Editor’s Note: I don’t think there’s any connection between the two. The one in Marion is set, if my sources are correct, to become a new Pizza Hut. All three franchises are owned by Pepsi, so I guess they’re pretty much interchageable. The one out by the truck stops was probably shuttered because you just can’t get to the darn thing with the roads completely torn up over there. Maybe it will re-open once all of that is completed. In the meantime, if you want to get your KFC or Taco Bell fix, you’ll have to do so separately, although both restaurants are pretty close to one another on Missouri Street]

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