Our View
Our View
Violence in the community, sadly no longer shocking
Somehow many of us simply aren’t shocked or surprised to hear of another senseless homicide in West Memphis knowing full well that until some serious counter measures are taken any effort to make positive changes is simply a waste of time.
As unpopular as it may sound there is going to have to be some tough decisions on the part of city politicians to allow for a comprehensive and highly visible law enforcement crackdown on illegal activity to include police task force officers being able to profile individuals acting suspiciously, beefed up patrols in known crime ridden neighborhoods, authorizing random traffic stops, soliciting confidential informers and even a strict curfew.
We have repeatedly praised the many efforts undertaken by the West Memphis Police Department, particularly in unison with state and federal authorities, in cracking down on the criminal element that has infested this city but, politicians are going to have to loosen the reins on law enforcement.
The good law abiding citizens of West Memphis who are living in fear on a daily basis deserve better and should demand tough decisions from the politicians they elected to represent them.
There is a force to be reckoned with and that lies with the highly trained men and women within the WMPD who know what to do if they are given the permission to proceed with a tough new direction.
One of newly elected Mayor Marco McClendon’s campaign promises just a couple of months ago was to crack down on crime and now it is time for some serious action to be taken that will eliminate this infestation that is destroying this city, discouraging investment and turning potential newcomers from ever wanting to move here.
The strong message these gun toting thieves, drug dealers and robbers need to understand is that they are not welcome in West Memphis or in Crittenden County and it is time for them to get out of town or face serious consequences.
Shortly after this deliberate murder took place the social media was abuzz with everybody’s opinion, including the call for hiring more police officers and bumping up their salaries.
Let us remind everybody that that WMPD has gone to extensive lengths to hire new officers, install special surveillance cameras throughout the city and used social media sites to keep West Memphians informed.
The men and women of the WMPD have gone out of their way to visit city schools and businesses informing students and business leaders what they can do to help them do their jobs at keeping their city safe.
As we’ve pointed out many times what our law enforcement is up against is a growing population of unemployed, unskilled, children being brought up by a single family member or relative, welfare teens left unsupervised and thugs, thieves and drug dealers taking full advantage of this bad situation.
There needs to be an entirely new mindset that must involve the scores of local churches, community leaders as well as city politicians if there is any chance of positive change that will attract the type of citizens that can make a difference. The fact is that men and women of the WMPD can’t do what needs to be done without our support and involvement, nor should be even expect them to perform their job without our help.