Our View
Our View
No justification for cantankerous justice’s behavior
Once again we’re experiencing child like behavior coming from at least one Crittenden County Quorum Court leftist Democrat member who is clearly using her position to embarrass and humiliate members of the Republican-controlled Election Commission trying to do their job.
Justice Vickie Robertson’s ridiculous antics shows a total lack of leadership, professionalism as well as maturity serving in a political position, and to be totally honest she is making a fool of herself and this quorum court.
Robertson has waged war with this election commission and is using her position to make it difficult for the commission to secure the necessary funding to hold at least four elections that will take place this year.
The commission has made it very clear that West Memphis will hold a special election to fill Marco McClendon’s seat on the city council on May 21, and with multiple candidates having already filed could need a run-off election which would be held on June 11.
Marion School District will hold its election May 21, while West Memphis School District will hold a special election for a millage increase in September, and its regular school board election in November.
Election Commissioner Frank Barton presented the justices with a revised budget which included a $7,200 increase to cover the cost of the two election coordinators.
Let’s remember justices had previously cut the amount available for contract labor by $10,000–from $28,000 to $18,000–in a budget compromise and told commissioners they could come back and beg for more money once they knew exactly how many elections they would have to hold.
Robertson, who instigated the cuts at budget time, now argues justices only agreed to fund the elections for three months at a time and says commissioners must come back and beg for more money when they think they need it.
During the last quorum court meeting Robertson said, “You just plugged in another $7,000 and that’s not how we said we were going to do it.” She went on to tell Barton justices never voted to give the Election commission money for the entire year at one time.
Let’s give Justice Albert Marconi a hand for being honest and accusing Robertson of picking on the Election Commission and treating them like children and not adults.
Marconi went on to say it is ridiculous not to appropriate the full amount and make the Election Commission come back and ask for more money. Let’s also recognize Justice Lisa O’Neal for her saying she was disappointed by the actions of her fellow justices.
The question that needs to be addressed is just exactly where are the official minutes of previous quorum court meetings where this petty money issue was originally discussed and acted upon? The recorded minutes should reveal exactly what was said and what was acted upon which should clear up any confusion as to the decisions that were made.
Robertson needs to understand that she was elected to this quorum court by the citizens of Crittenden County who expect her and other justices to act with some sense of professionalism. Robertson has shown absolutely no respect to members of this Election Commission and she should be called out for her disappointing lack of leadership.