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Politics versus Politicians

Politics versus Politicians


Politics versus Politicians

‘ A Political View’

MBlfcall Vn©ws IBy Starry H©MnnDaum ‘A Political View’ By Sherry Holliman

Over the year's people — many people — have stated things like 'I don't get involved in politics.' After all, politics is not a pleasant thing. In fact, it should've been one of those things your mother told you to stay away from when you were growing up.

But it is important that we understand the difference between politics and politicians, because they are not the same thing. And our state, region, county, and city could be facing a terrible economic conditions, and stagnant growth if the wrong people are elected to make decisions that will affect our everyday standards of living.

The harsh reality is, if we don't like what is happening in our state or city, we have ourselves to blame.

We have heard a great deal about what the government can do for the people but hear very little about “by the people” and “of the people.” In America, the people rule. We are defenders of liberty, we are the keepers of freedom, and we are the creators and overseers of our government.

So what happens when we stop watching over that government? What happens when we ourselves are no longer willing to serve in elected office?

What happens when 'We the People' walk away?

The answer is politics.

Defending liberty is not politics. Respecting and honoring the Constitution is not politics. Politics is simply a word people hide behind when they don't have any principles and lack the courage to stand up for what is right. We can't talk about life because 'it is political.'

We can't talk about God because 'it is political.'

We can't talk about politics because 'it is political.'

Just look at all the things that have been sidelined from discussion… today topics such as life, religion, healthcare, income, work, and freedom itself have become a “politics” issue.

We need to rise above the blaming politics and realize that being proud to be an American and willing to defend issues is not political it is our responsibility as voters. This is not about engaging in politics, this is about finding and electing people to office to represent us, that share the American pride, can understand worldliness issues, and do not have a lust for power, in addition to respecting the law and being involved in our communities.

Politics is the result of what happens when not enough of us fulfill that duty. We don't need a politician — a person who lusts for power — who is obsessed with self-importance and motivated by greed, clever tactics of scheming to get gain and win votes, and using cunning methods of distraction, distortion, denial and blame shifting.

Voters, ask yourselves, do you want politicians serving in Congress? Do you want politicians serving in city councils positions and on school boards?

What we need is a change of thinking in America about voting, and politics we need to begin with our own mind. This is America, the greatest, place on earth. America is not our enemy, but our home. Liberty is not the problem, the lack of it is. It is easy for us to blame congress, the president, and government for all our problems, but the fact is, none of these are the problem. They are only symptoms of the problem. The real problem is that we the people are not holding ourselves accountable for not voting, and not holding our elected officials accountable.

We must own our government. We are the only ones who can repair it but we must vote. Dealing with the government is not simple, and really not that complex either however we the people can always be a part of the solutions.

Voting is extremely important for changing government processes. Let your vote matter.

Sherry Holliman is a concerned citizen of Crittenden County and has some views on a variety of topics that she wants to share with her neighbors.

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