Earle News
Earle News
Celebrate Good Times!
The home of Sue Ann Elms was the setting to celebrate birthdays, a college graduation and the retirement of an educator of 39 years.
Following the barbecue lunch congratulations went to Kathy Smith of Cabot who retired from the Cabot School System and Mason Goheen of Conway, a recent graduate of U.C.A.
Grady Gennings of Memphis, Staci Fitzgerald of North Little Rock and her husband Lynn, Kathy Smith and Sue Ann Elms celebrated summer birthdays.
Others present were Becky Gennings, Eric Elms and Corey Lewis of Memphis, Mason Fitzgerald of North Little Rock, Christina English and sons Leam and Levi of Ward, Sinthey Catherine Breyel of Lewisville, Texas, Kevin Elms of Russellville, Col. James Turner of Colorado Springs, Colorado and Karli Potratz of Conway.
*** Comings & Goings Sam and Ellen Holloway were in Dewitt recently where they visited Doug Manchester. *** The 38ers of the Earle Baptist Church had dinner at Andreys’ in Marion last Thursday evening.
Included were Charlene and Elbert Person, Kay and Rev. Bill Watt, Frankie Swindle, Janis Lancaster, Ken and Louis Lancaster, Mary Frances and Edmon Davis, Tanya Pate, Sue Ann Elms, Penny Smith and son Luke, Mark Simon, Vickey and Rev. Tony Wells, church pastor.
*** Earle Fire Department News The Earle Fire Department has decked out their trucks with some snazzy new decals, including the incorporation of the Earle High School’s beloved mascot, the Bulldog. The department was busy earlier this month with a residential structure Fire at 18077 Hwy. 64, started by fireworks. The fire was contained to one exterior wall and interior wall of a bedroom. The EFD tipped its cap to the Parkin Fire Department for their assistance.
By Sue Ann Elms