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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

ATTENTION CRITTENDEN COUNTY NAACP MEMBERS!!!! The Crittenden County NAACP invites all members to the CCNAACP office located at 812 E.

Broadway for our Meet & Greet on Monday, November 20th @ 6pm. Refreshments will be served. The meet & greet will only last about an hour so don’t be late. This is the Crittenden County NAACP’s regular meeting which is held every 3rd Monday of each month @ 6 pm. Please put it in your phone and mark it on your calendar so you won’t forget.

SEE YOU THERE!!! — Alicia W., Secretary-Treasurer, Crittenden County NAACP, Unit #6008

[ Editor’s Note: We pretty much had a “ hands- off” mentality regarding the local NAACP once they lost their walk to school in all weather.

You said that you are not familiar with that part of town-those of us who are know that the 13th street site was not good for that use. I personally would like to see the school built between the two neighborhoods, but building on the current Jackson site will at least mean that half of the students will continue to go to a neighborhood school. On the other side, those thinking that the schools that have renovated are because of a racial divide should know that Maddux, Weaver and Faulk, all which received renovation, are majority African American schools. Bragg is at least 60%. So it is NOT that the “black schools” didn’t get renovations. It’s that the two smallest elementary schools (and the higher grades) didn’t get renovation.

Superintendent Collins definitely wants to do what is best for ALL of the students of WMSD, even if he and the school board don’t do things the way we think they should. A combined Wonder/Jackson is going to be great for our kids, regardless of where they put it. [ Editor’s Note: I’m afraid your idea falls into the “ all you have to do is” faulty argument category. You can say the new school should be “ built between the two neighborhoods,” but no such feasible location exists. Your argument that building on the Jackson site would mean “ half of the students will continue to go to a neighborhood school” isn’t really a selling point. By that logic, the 13th Street location would meet the same criteria, being three ( short) blocks from where Wonder is now. In any event, I agree with you that there was no racially- motivated decision making when planning the district- wide school renovations. I will also expand on another idea you hint at but don’t really come out and say… the Superintendant and the School Board are no doubt willing to hear any and all concerns, but in the end they are the elected and duly appointed decision makers and they will make the decisions they think are best for the community and if someone doesn’t like that, they are welcome to run against them or vote them out of office]

*** Please hold up on the bus text. I notified police…thanks

[ Editor’s Note: Sorry, it had already gone to press before I saw this, but in an attempt to spin a negative into a positive, let me just take the time to say this… I’ve seen enough accidents caused by careless driving, distracted driving, drunk driving, sleepy driving and just plain old wrong place, wrong time accidents.

It only takes a second for everything to go wrong when it comes to driving. Everyone gets in a hurry and everyone is guilty of taking their eyes off the road, whether it’s to answer a call, adjust the thermostat, yell at the kids in the backseat, or even just change the radio station. The mantra “ It Can Wait” has been a staple of the safe driving acvocates for a couple of years, but it’s still quite true.

Especially with the hustle and bustle of the holidays upon us, everyone be safe out there!]

has been reinstated, I’m perfectly fine running this.

Any group that can be a positive force in this community, I’d certainly get behind]

*** Concerning the rebuild of Wonder Elementary and Jackson, 13th street site was not an ideal place in any way. Anyone who thinks it was does not know anything about the area. It was far from both current schools (Wonder is on 16th and Jackson is off 25th).

It is very close to very-busy broadway. The site would have been good for the goal of being a “showplace” of the wmsd, but it would be removing the “neighborhood school” from both neighborhoods. Both schools have a large portion of students who

charter and were operating as a “ rogue” chapter.

However, since the organization


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