Husband dosen’t share wife’s dreams of seeing the world
Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren
Husband dosen’t share wife’s dreams of seeing the world
DEAR ABBY: I'll be retiring next year. My husband is already retired. When I do, I want to travel in the U.S. and internationally. We are healthy, able to travel and we have the funds to do it.
The problem is, my husband isn't crazy about traveling. He'll go if I book it, but he fusses the whole time until we go. It's not like he has to do anything. I do all the booking and packing. All he has to do is show up.
I told him one of my bucket list items was to live in Mexico for a month. Because I hate cold weather, I want to live somewhere warm.
Can you give me some advice on this matter? Help me change his mind about seeing the world before we are no longer able to. Or do you think I need to find a travel companion? -BUCKET LIST IN VIRGINIA DEAR B.L.: You may need to do exactly that, and the way to change your husband's mind about travel might be to say it. Not everyone has wanderlust. If he's a confirmed homebody who regards travel as a punishment instead of a privilege, you should not have to suffer for it. *** DEAR ABBY: My doctor prescribed medication to control my migraines, but I have to take the pills four times a day — at breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime. Although I'm not ashamed, I don't want to have to explain why I am taking the medication because I'm afraid there may be a stigma attached to it. I don't know what to do. If I try to vary the times, I end up forgetting to take a pill. What should I do? — PRESCRIBED IN SAN ANTONIO DEAR PRESCRIBED: Take the medication on time as instructed by your physician. If you need a reminder, program it into your cellphone. There's no more stigma attached to taking medication to prevent headaches than there is in taking it for any other medical reason. If you prefer not to be questioned about it, excuse yourself and do it in the restroom. *** DEAR ABBY: Hi. I have a problem. My best friend is moving away to a different state this summer. School is ending soon. She is my only friend, and I'm currently dating her brother. He's the only boy I like, and she is my only friend. I don't know what to do.
I'll be in ninth grade in a couple of months, which means I'll have to start high school without a best friend or a boyfriend. What should I do? I'll be all alone. -SAVANNAH IN COLORADO DEAR SAVANNAH: Not quite! A lot of changes occur when students leave the lower grades and start high school. Even established friendships can change. When school begins, many of your classmates will be in exactly the same position as you. If you are friendly, I'm sure you'll find others who will be open to being friendly to you. *** Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.