The Pope messed up, Bush was right
The Pope messed up, Bush was right
The Pope messed up. The media has reported that the Pope questioned Trump’s Christianity because he wants to build a wall. “A person, who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.”
Interestingly enough, Pope Francis lives surrounded by a 37-foot wall that was completed in 852. The wall has been reinforced over the centuries and has saved previous Popes in the past when the city was under siege.
Therefore, The Vatican must keep staunch security and they do. They have a tremendous wall and a small fierce army. Pope Francis, like all good men, has the ability to make a mistake and he did. Thus, the Pope is not perfect. Pope Francis is a holy man. He is a good man. He is loved by most of us, even those who are not Catholic. ISIS doesn’t love him and would love to infiltrate Rome, invade the Vatican and kill the Pope.
Anderson Cooper asked Jeb Bush Thursday night on the CNN Town Forum about Trump’s Christianity and Bush said that this was between Trump and God. Bush did not feel it was his job to determine Trump’s relationship to God. During the most ferocious season of political name calling and head hunting, this was one of the most refreshing statements that I have heard. For once, somebody took a higher path and did not point the castigating finger of judgment and damnation.
Pope Francis’ mistake was similar to the ones we all make. When we point the finger there are always at least three pointing back at us. Well, maybe four depending on how you point.
The Vatican learned something ages ago that America has taken a long time to learn. National security is important. A wall is not the total answer but it would help just like it has been helpful in protecting the Vatican and the Pope. Building a wall doesn’t mean we are not Christians. Building a wall means we are trying to protect our people.
The next President must build this wall and it wouldn’t hurt for him or her to visit the Vatican to get some ideas.
Glenn Mollette is an American Syndicated Columnist and Author. He is the author of eleven books and read in all fifty states.
By Glenn Mollette