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Earle News


Earle News

The First Assembly of God Church was the setting for a senior luncheon held Feb. 12.

The menu was ham, baked potatoes, steamed vegetables, rolls and a variety of desserts.

The tables were covered with pink cloths and carried out the Valentine theme. Favors were an assortment of candies.

Several guests won door prizes. Rev. Clayton Adams conducted an Earle-Parkin trivia game.

The meal was prepared and served by Laurie and Rev. Adams, Terre Rodgers, Debbie Love, Ashley Cox and Amy Soto. Jim Wooley, a Missionary to Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, also helped serve.

Among those attending were Carolyn and Manuel Clouse, Bonnie and Bill Crenshaw, Charlene and Elbert Person, Sue Young, Johnnie Strickland, Ellen and Sam Holloway, Mary Jane Edwards and Douglas Manchester.

*** The United Methodist Women met at the Morrison Fellowship Hall recently where they enjoyed a soup supper.

Mary Jane Edwards, president, presided. Others present were Elleene Holloway, Sue Dorman, Becky Knapp, Allison Bird, Dot McKinney and Jane Speed.

*** A total of 52 attended the Valentine Day luncheon held at the First Assembly of God church following the worship service Feb. 14.

The tables were covered with red cloths.

Judy Wiley and Sandy Holloway were in charge of preparing the meal.

The menu was pork tenderloin, potatoes, beans, salad and brownies topped with ice cream.

The children of the church served the meal.

Rev. Clayton Adams is pastor.

*** Ellen Holloway, Mary Frances Davis, Elleene Holloway, Jean Burns, Christine Littlejohn, Dot McKinney and Sue Ann Elms had lunch together at Veanos in Marion Feb. 16. *** Several members of the First Assembly of God youth group enjoyed a trip to Incredible Pizza in Memphis Feb. 19. They enjoyed playing laser tag and other games.

Included were Cade Morris, Dylan Britt. J. T. Buford, Deacon Partain, Jackson Glide, Hailee Newingham and Megan Bailey.

Chaperones ere Rev. Clayton and Laurie Adams and John Buford.

By Sue Ann Elms

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