Prime Huntin’ Time!
Prime Huntin’ Time!
Times Outdoors Columnist Winter finally arrived with a good rain and cold weather. Real cold weather!
The deer are in full rut and I am seeing some very nice bucks brought in to be mounted. Several of the deer have been taken by young folks, probably the best by a 12 year old girl.
Boys, are you going to let the girls beat you hunting?
The best deer seem to be coming from behind the levee and several of them within a 20-minute drive from town. For another couple of weeks the deer hunting should be excellent.
The second duck season is in full swing and I am hearing much better reports than in the first section of the season. The latest rain has put more water in the fields and this cold snap has brought down more ducks.
However, the 2nd day of the season, Friday, had a lot of frozen duck holes, but the weather is too moderate. My friends in Illinois have received a real dose of cold weather, but the ducks are thick and they are having a banner year. That bodes well for us knowing there are plenty of ducks up north that have not come down. They will freeze out up there and our last duck season should be really good.
This change in the weather has brought out some little talk about hunting, rabbits and squirrels. The old timers say never eat rabbits until after the first frost and that has occurred. It is always exciting to hear a good pack of dogs on the trail and the shouting of “There he goes!” a shot, that is followed by “I got him!” A good mess of fried young rabbit is hard to beat.
This time of year almost all the leaves are off the trees and it is time for the squirrel dogs to hit the woods. The dog runs through the woods smelling and looking for squirrels to tree. This is a great way to break in that young hunter. The dog rears up on the tree and the hunters try to spot Ole Bushy Tail up in the branches. Quite often that is hard to do and often the squirrel will find a hole to get in. When the fox or gray is spotted, the shot is usually easy and the young hunter has immediate success. After the hunt, fried tender squirrel with thick milk gravy is a meal to remember. The hunt is usually with a single dog of mixed breeding, as opposed to rabbit hunting with a pack of several beagles.
Rabbit and squirrel hunting with dogs is a great way to enjoy a cold winter afternoon, but be careful because deer season is in full swing. Always wear orange vests and hats in the woods. After all, you are not trying to sneak up on game.
All these opportunities make this a “Prime Time” to go hunting. For the next few weeks Mother Nature really puts on a show for us. If you like to hunt, this is the time to do it.
Papa Duck needs pictures and stories to pass on to my readers. I also need some trophies to mount and we offer fast service at a very reasonable price.
Always take that young hunter with you and I promise you will enjoy the hunt more.
Papa Duck Lakeside Taxidermy 870- 732- 0455 or 901- 482- 3430 jhcriner@ hotmail. com
First Deer
“These are 2 pics taken last Friday of my grandson Braden Miller with his dad James Miller,” a proud Grandpa “They were hunting at camp in southern Arkansas and these were his first deer, doe in the morning and buck that afternoon. Thank you and Merry Christmas!” We’re happy to share their success.
By John Criner