Time for reporting 2016 water use
Time for reporting 2016 water use
County conservation district ready for area farmers to file
Crittenden Conservation District The Crittenden Conservation District is now registering irrigation wells for usage on farms for 2016.
As a registered water user you are protecting your rights to the use of an equitable amount of surface water in times of shortage and to establish ground water rights within critical areas.
Act of 154 of 1991 requires users of ground and surface water be assessed an annual fee in the amount of $10 per well and relift site. Act 408 of 1989 provides for the collection of a late registration penalty.
Any person who fails to register a well or relift site by the deadline shall be subject to a penalty for each year they fail to register.
The district will be registering wells Monday through Thursday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Please contact Debbie Greer at 870-739-4464, ext. 104, via e-mail at ddgreer@sbcglobal.net, or come by 1 Natural Resources Drive, in Marion.
From Debbie Greer