Text The Times.
Text The Times.
Took a drive down Broadway tonight and all I can say is “Wow.” The lights are beautiful, as were the few businesses that were decorated.
My only heartache was that ‘downtown’ wasn’t booming with business. The businesses that were open had very few cars out front. I’d love to see more retail outlets, restaurants, bar and grill type establishments and anything that would attract more people to West Memphis. I’m certain all would concur… Ps It was 6:30 p.m.
[ Editor’s Note: You and everyone else with a vested interest in West Memphis would probably like to see development such as you describe. Main Street West Memphis has spent years trying to revitalize that area. Unfortunately, while there have been some steps taken in the right direction, there appears to be somewhat of a stigma attached to the east end of Broadway, to the point that developers are reluctant to invest. And I’m sure there are statistics that back that up to some extent. It would take more than someone making the decision to open up a restaurant or a clothing store. It would take a full- on community revitalization effort that would probably displace many low- income families, which in the long run would probably benefit them, but would short- term lead to some definite growing pains]
*** Subject: EIGHTY PEERCENT OFF ED MEDZ https://bit.ly/2gYxyEYI [ Editor’s Note: Umm, thanks for the heads up, I guess, but what are you trying to say?]
*** Regarding traffic probs on south avalon, why don’t we just put up a red flashing light & make it a four or three-way stop for everyone since its not enough traffic for a full stoplight?
[ Editor’s Note: It’s funny how putting the word “ just” in front of an idea is supposed to somehow make it more feasible. I’m no expert, but I had a former schoolmate once who knows about such things explain to me that the average cost of installing a traffic signal at an intersection ( including the necessary traffic studies, engineering, design, installation and operation) is about $ 200,000. Let’s say it’s half that for a signal such as you describe. Even if that’s just spitballing, it’s still a costly project. But of course, it may ultimately prove worth said cost. I’m sure it has crossed someone’s mind, so I guess we’ll see]
*** Occasionally you report on how the recycle program is working in Marion but I would like to know how we as participants are doing. Are we putting the right items in the bag or are we putting things in there that are causing problems or slowing the process? Maybe they could give us a grade.
[ Editor’s Note: I’d actually be interested in such data as well, along with what the participation rate is for recycling. I’ll admit I’m not much of a recycler. It’s a chore just to remember to drag our Dumpster to the curb every Thursday, so I’m probably not a strong candidate to expand my responsibility on the sanitation process]
*** I have a random act of kindness to report, as I too was a recipient. I was in line at the little Walmart in Marion, behind a family checking out. The gentleman was about to pay for their items and look back at me and asked, “is that all you have” pointing to my items on the scan belt. I replied, “yes” and he instructed the checker to ring those up too.” I pleaded “no, that was not necessary,” but the family wouldn’t take no for an answer. It touched my heart, and made my night! [ Editor’s Note: That is pretty cool. I’m glad to see the gesture was appreciated. As terrible as people can be some times, it’s always good to see that we’re capable of good things, too.
Well done, anonymous altruist]
What is up with the TV guide. Put back the way it was. [ Editor’s
Note: I hope you saw the explanation about our TV guide the other day, but just to recap, the service we got our TV guide ( and our weather) are no longer doing so. The one we are using now might just be a placeholder while we look for a better one. What specifically are you looking for from the TV listings? Knowing that will help us know what to look for as we go forward. I just assumed that most people used the guide on their TV systems for such information but if we’re going to continue to provide the service, we want to provide what our readers need]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: