Dec. 15. Saturday Dec. 17, Fire and
ing these earlier,” said Taylor.
The lineup for Monday the 12 start with the Fire Department followed by Advertising and Promotions Commission and concludes without he airport. The City Clerks, library and Public Works Department and the MPO are slated for the Tuesday. Wednesday Dec.
14 is the date set aside for review of one of the two biggest departments in the city: The Police Department, City Attorney, Utilities Commission and Parks and Recreation round out the daily hearing. Planning and development, human resources and animal control will be heard on Thursday
Dec. 15.
Saturday Dec. 17, Fire and
Police pensions, finance and data processing, and special funds will be heard.
Friday Dec. 23, the Municipal Court budget will be considered. Saturday Dec.
24, expenditures for City Council, the Mayor’s Office, Economic Development, the Industrial Park, the Port and the Main Street District are set to be reviewed.