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The Season between the Seasons 2016

The Season between the Seasons 2016


The Season between the Seasons 2016

Times Outdoors Columnist Deer season has been going on for a few weeks and duck season has just ended it’s first of three seasons. We have just celebrated Thanksgiving and now prepare for Christmas and New Years. The weather has been cool enough for that fire in the fire place and we are now trimming that pretty evergreen that came from the Missouri Street tree man.

From mid November until the first of the year, if you are an outdoors person, this is “a most wonderful time of the year.” January is also great because that’s when we usually have our best part of the duck season and archery bow season is in full draw.

Deer season has gotten off to a good start with several nice bucks and many does taken. One of the best deer brought to Lakeside Taxidermy was taken by Carter Pugh, the eight year old son of Jamie Pugh, on their property behind the levee in the Proctor area.

The liberal doe season has helped stabilize and improve the deer herd, along with providing many good meals of deer steaks and summer sausage. Dino’s in Memphis makes many different types of sausage and different cuts of deer meat. You may drop your deer off at the Dino’s on the north service road at Marion. DO NOT take a fresh killed deer into Tennessee or Mississippi without proper processing. It’s against the law and could cost you mega bucks.

This latest rain has helped the duck season by flooding many fields that have not been pumped up. We need a lot more rain as most of the river bottoms are at low level and the public hunting lakes like Horseshoe and Midway are low. Maybe Mother Nature will take mercy on the duck hunters and provide both rain and cold weather to bring down the ducks from up north. Our friends at Cherry Circle in Illinois tell me they are having great hunting with full limits in a short period of time. That’s my kind of hunting!

The second part of the duck season opens today. I have visited with some of my friends that have duck clubs and they are more optimistic about this portion of the season than opening week. The weather has improved for duck hunting and hopefully the rains this week will fill up some hunting holes. By the weekend we will know about how good this second season will be. Please send me some pictures and stories about your hunts.

Even better, bring some deer and birds to Lakeside Taxidermy for that beautiful mount that will help the memory of that hunt stay fresh.

Take that young hunter, boy or girl, with you and take plenty of pictures. I keep a log book dealing with my fishing and hunting trips telling who went, where did we go, the weather, and details about the hunt. My books go back into the late 1960s when we first started the 101 Hunting Club near Snowlake. Quite often that super trip was not just a few years ago, but twenty plus years. You will be glad you did.

Christmas is just around the corner and I hope the best for all US OUTDOOR PEOPLE! Papa Duck Lakeside Taxidermy 870732- 0455 or 901- 482- 3430 jhcriner@ hotmail. com

By John Criner

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