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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

No paper Monday 11-28… Today received the Monday paper but no Tuesday paper. 412 Danner Dr., Marion

[ Editor’s Note: I have passed this on to the Circulation Department. It may be a part of our ongoing issue we’ve been having with our press, or you may have been missed, so apologies all around either way. We have been able to get a paper out each day, but it has not been easy. The prognosis is good, however, for getting everything up and running the way it should be by the end of the week]

*** I have a question. Now we the citizens of Crittenden County have voted in favor of building a new hospital, with the anticipated date of early to mid-2018, but during the Saturday before Election Day when I went to vote at the Courthouse, I saw no sign of construction off Highway 77, which is where they said they were planning to building it. I am disappointed by the way West Memphians and Crittenden County are for the most part content with things like they are. In fact, I think a lot of people around here are not all that interested in trying to make things better. That’s why we have so many dilapidated properties around here, along with cars parked across people’s lawns and folks who would rather collect government checks than get out and earn an honest living. [ Editor’s Note: You might be confusing Highway 77 with North 7th Street, which is where the new hospital is being built, although the only evidence to suggest that currently is some cleared trees and a little dirt work. But it’s coming, I assure you, although, as you note, that’s still a year- anda- half away. As to your other points, I’m inclined to agree with you. Let me qualify what I’m about to say first, though, by acknowledging that I understand fully that some people simply can not afford the “ luxury” of taking care of their property, either because of financial limitations, physical limitations, or other legitimate problems. Now, for the rest of the folks, I really don’t understand not taking enough pride in what you own or what you have to keep it maintained. This goes for homeowners, landlords, business owners, and really anyone who has the means to perform basic upkeep on their property but simply finds excuses not to. It’s a real problem that, as you put it, people “ are for the most part content with things like they are.” The City of West Memphis does the best it can to identify, condemn and demolish these properties the best it can, but that’s not cheap and there are only so man dollars dedicated to the process to go around. It will take a community- wide mindset change, but it is possible to tackle this issue. I just don’t know if that will ever happen]

*** The new Faulk cafeteria is wonderful!!! Good things happening in the West Memphis schools! [ Editor’s Note: There are indeed good things happening in the West Memphis schools. Every time I hear someone badmouth our local schools, I try not to roll my eyes too loudly. It’s very easy to get upset with things don’t work out the way you think they should, especially if your child is involved, but people do tend to focus only on the negative ( which, I assure you, can be found in every school in America), so it’s always good to see something positive. My daughter, for example, is super excited about the currenty- underconstruction new Bragg Elementary]


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