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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.


Here’s what everyone is talking about this week:

To the person that was passed by the 4 suv police cars driving way too fast…, I agree with you about the police that speed very fast on our streets. There are a lot of young inexperienced drivers that could be hurt by this speeding. I am glad the baby at Krystal’s was found and ok… but I still remember the girl traveling on rich road and killed by the police chase going to Walmart and the girl coming home from her DBS meeting. These girls were just children also. Mr. Editor so maybe the police could and should slow down on the Streets. Thank you. [ Editor’s Note: I once got a speeding ticket ( guilty) and then a failure to obey a stop sign ticket ( questionable) in the span of about three months. Following that, the State of Arkansas was kind enough to send me a letter informing me that holding a driver’s license in the State of Arkansas was “ a privilege and not a right.” While it didn’t come right out and say it, the message was “ drive better or lose your license.” Driving laws exist for a reason, and one of those reasons is to allow emergency response vehicles to, well, respond to an emergency. If it is you or your loved one in need of emergency assistance, I seriously doubt that “ gee, I sure hope the police drive slowly and cautiously on their way here.” The two accidents you mentioned were years apart and years ago.

That doesn’t mean it won’t happen again or make them any less of a tragedy, but it does mean that most of the time, when the police ( or the fire department or ambulance service) respond to an emergency, everything goes according to plan. Sadly, there will be times when it doesn’t. So, pay attention when you’re driving. Pay attention when your children are playing in the yard. If you see an emergency vehicle coming your way, get out of the way]

*** Thank you for the coverage of the Razorbacks and Red Wolves. Not everyone is that into high school sports. [ Editor’s Note: Umm… thanks?

Kind of a “ left- handed” compliment there, right?

As a county newspaper, our focus, as far as sports coverage goes, has always been local high school sports. I don’t really see that changing. Now, as you may have heard, our Sports Editor, Chuck Livingston, is no longer with us, so I imagine there will be at least some changes when the new guy takes over, based on whatever he prefers to fill the page with outside of the “ local high school sports” realm, but it is good to get a reminder that at least some of our readers enjoy us stepping out of that box once in a while]

*** Still no movement on West Memphis taking over its own cable tv? Wish they would… comcast is just the worst [ Editor’s

Note: Man, is that still even on the table. I remember writing about that years ago, like maybe 2011 or 2012? I couldn’t find it in the archives, but it’s been a while. As best I remember, the West Memphis Utility Commission was going to get with Conway, and maybe Jonesboro, or some other cities that privatized their own cable TV franchises and see if it was a feasible move. Honestly, with so many alternatives to cable TV these days, from satellite to streaming television to Internet downloading and even digital antennas, I’m not sure it’d be worth the effort at this point.

But yeah, I have had some bad experience with Comcast myself, so I feel ya!]

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