Earle News
Earle News
The Happy Hour Club met at the First United Methodist Church Morrison Fellowship Hall Nov. 7 where they enjoyed a turkey and dressing luncheon.
Becky Knapp, president, presided.
Rev. Tony Wells gave the devotional and led the group singing “We Gather Together” accompanied by Alex Turner.
Janis Lancaster was sung “Happy Birthday” to for her Nov. 26 birthday.
Others present were Anga Turner, Dot McKinney, Christine Littlejohn, Minnie McCain, Adria Roberts, Coretta and Sponkey Allen, Jane Speed, Sue Dorman, Stacie Grubbs, Jean Allensworth, Allison Bird, Frank Saig.
Laura Pritchard, Ken Lancaster, Dean Ryan, Frankie Swindle, J. W. Ellis, Tammy Dunn, Carolyn Slaughter, Martha Booker and Sue Ann Elms.
*** The Earle Music Coterie will meet at the Earle Baptist Church Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. for the Annual Parade of American Music program.
Rev. Stacie Grubbs will present the program.
Everyone is invited to attend.
*** AFall Festival was held for children at the First Assembly of God Church Oct. 29.
They enjoyed slides, games, painting pumpkins, ring toss, a tic tat toe table, hot dogs, juice and bags of candy.
Tammy Soto is children’s church director and Amy Soto is children’s leader.
Approximately 100 attended.
*** The First United Methodist Church hosted a children’s party on Halloween day from 4:30 to 6 p.m.
They enjoyed corn dogs, chips and punch, playing games including a Scary Crow bean bag game, shopping at the store with coupons and visiting the Harvest Moon Cafe.
They decorated brown paper sacks to hold prizes and received treat bags for favors.
Adults present were Dot McKinney, Adria Roberts, Martha Booker, Allison Bird, Jane Speed, Becky Knapp and Jamayia Allen.
*** The 39ers of the Earle Baptist Church had dinner at Shake Shack in Marion Oct. 27.
Included were Jean Burns, Mary Frances and Edmon Davis, Doug Manchester, Janis Lancaster, Ken Lancaster, Christine Littlejohn, Tanya Pate, Vickey and Rev. Tony Wells, church pastor and chairman of the group.
*** Peggy and Norman Moss returned home recently after an extended visit in Colorado and New York.
*** Agroup of adults and youth from the Assembly of God Church were in Wynne Oct. 30 where they attended the movie “I’m Not Ashamed.”
Included were Emma Olivia Watson, Hailee and Bella Newingham, Mary Elizabeth Smith, Cassandra, Tommy and Cassie Soto, Christina Killgore, Cade Morris, Nick and Deacon Partain, Laura Smith, Linda Jo Branch, Tabitha and Jeff Newingham, Laurie and Clayton Adams, pastor.
By Sue Ann Elms