ADH holds flu shot, mammogram clinic
ADH holds flu shot, mammogram clinic
Marion First Baptist hosts all- day event
The Arkansas Department of Health is providing flu vaccines across the state ahead of the winter flu season. The Crittenden County health unit conducted a day-long mass flu vaccine clinic at First Baptist Church, Marion on Tuesday. Thirty workers and volunteers came together to provide vaccines along with St. Bernard’s mammogram mobile also trekked from Jonesboro to the church offering screenings outside the vaccine clinic.
The flu shots were available at no charge. Crittenden County Health Unit Administrator Crystal Moore said flu vaccines are good medicine.
“We’re trying to reduce flu cases,” said Moore.
According to the Health Department it is important to get a flu vaccine every year, because the flu virus morphs from year to year.
This year’s vaccine formula was designed to protect against strains of the flu expected to cause the most illnesses.
ADH Epidemiologists Dr.
Dirk Haselow hopes to prevent a repeat of the 201516 flu outbreak, the worst season in two generations.
“Last year’s flu season was the worst in Arkansas in terms of flu deaths in the last forty years,” said Haselow, “We are encouraging everyone to get a flu vaccine to protect themselves and their families, because it is hard to predict how severe the flu season is going to be this year.”
Some people avoid the shots fearing the pound of prevention is worse than getting sick. But according to the ADH the flu vaccine is safe and does not cause the flu. Side effects of the vaccine include soreness and redness around the injection, a low fever or slight headache.
Moore said more vaccines are administered when the Crittenden County Health Department goes on the road for the free clinic open to the public. Going forward flu vaccines continue to be offered at the County Health Unit on 7th Street in West Memphis as well.
People should bring their insurance cards with them.
If anyone does not have insurance or the insurance does not cover flu vaccine, the vaccine is available at no charge.
By John Rech