Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editor
Issue 6 on the upcoming ballot would amend our Arkansas constitution in order to by-pass standard medical testing and procedures that would normally be required before making a drug available to the public — in this case, marijuana. Issue 7, while not a constitutional amendment, has similar provisions.
These issues are opposed by the medical community, including the following: Arkansas Surgeon General, Arkansas Children's Hospital, Arkansas Medical Society, Arkansas Hospital Association, and Arkansas Department of Health.
Under these measures, marijuana is not treated like any other medicine. No prescription is required; no pharmacy can sell it. But big business can sell it — in the form of candy, cookies, soft drinks and joints.
Anyone with the symptom of “pain” or “nausea” could get it and legally smoke it or ingest it. Minors would be eligible for it. Schools would not be able to prevent these kids from smoking it. Employees couldn't be fired for using it. Some users would be allowed to grow it at home.
Statistics show that states that allow “medical” marijuana have a higher incidence of traffic fatalities from impaired drivers, as well as other social costs, not the least of which is rate of addiction and the use of harder drugs.
Those that stand to gain financially from the passage of these measures point to cases of chronically ill children who have been helped by using marijuana. While marijuana may contain ingredients that could be useful medically, these ballot issues are formulated more toward implementing recreational use and neither issue provides true medically competent use of the drug; hence, the lack of support in the medical community.
The Governor called a council to discuss the ballot issues, which meeting can be viewed at youtube.com/watch?v=rDMAz_VFU1w& feature=yout u.be Arkansas has been a fine place to live and a good environment for families. We, the citizens, can protect our state at the ballot box if we vote against both of these duplicitous issues.
Robert and Barbara Stokes Marion, Arkansas
To the Editor: