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Gravel Grinder draws a crowd


Gravel Grinder draws a crowd

Off- road trek previews Big River Trail The 2016 Gravel Grinder off-road cycling event was a big hit.

On Saturday, Oct. 8, an enthusiastic group of cyclists decked out in their bright regalia lined up, headed for the Big River Trail head during for the eight-mile Gravel Grinder tour.

The group headed across Broadway from Pancho’s, which served as the launch point for the tour. They rolled passed the new Harahan Bridge landing, pedaled toward the future Delta Regional River Park, and traveled a stretch of the St. Francis Levee, heading north before circling back.

The Grinder was part of the Delta Flatlander weekend. In all 110 bicyclists participated in the two group rides, a preview of the potential cycling tourism West Memphis hopes to generate with the upcoming Big River Trail opening.

By John Rech

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