Never Trump? No Hillary? No problem…
Never Trump? No Hillary? No problem…
Plenty of alternative presidential candidates on
Arkansas ballot If you identify with many other voters in this election cycle and find neither Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton (and VP Tim Kaine) nor Republican candidate Donald Trump (with Mike Pence) to your liking, you may be thinking of either flipping a coin, casting your vote for whichever candidate you “hate the least,” or simply not voting at all.
But before you take one of those options, you need to know there’s more to the American political process than “red” and “blue” for you to consider. In every presidential election, there are always options besides the Democrats and the Republicans. Third-party candidates abound here in 2016. The most widelypublicized alternative candidate this time around has been Libertarian Gary Johnson and Vice-presidential running mate Bill Weld. The Johnson/Weld ticket is actually polling double-digits in a few states, and they will be on the Arkansas ballot. Also on the ballot will be the Green Party’s Jill Stein with VP nom Ajamu Baraka.
If those options are still too mainstream, you may want to consider throwing your support behind one of the “fringe” candidates.
These candidates aren’t necessarily looking to win the presidency, but are hopeful they can further their platforms by getting ideas and causes out to the general public through their campaigns. Those independent candidates are: Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley (Constitution Party), Lynn Kahn/Kathleen Monahan (Independent) , Evan McMullin/Nathan Johnson (No Party Affiliation), and Jim Hedges/Bill Bayes (Prohibition Party).
Get a full run-down of these candidates at htm.
By Ralph Hardin