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WMFD holds agility tests

WMFD holds agility tests


WMFD holds agility tests

New ladder truck on the way

The West Memphis Fire Department conducted agility training in September as a step to qualifying applicants for any open positions. Department staff reported 12 of the 16 attempting the nationally standardized drills passed the physical course.

With hopeful applicants still in the hiring pool the Department has one Paramedic/ Firefighter position open.

“We had our physical agility test Saturday,” Reported Assistant Chief Jeff Jones. “Some of those that passed had certifications.

We’ll be going through all the applications next week.”

EMS Chief Chris Brogdon reported refresher training and EMS collections. Yearto- date payments for medical services stood at $292,919.

Team spirit took an upswing at the WMFD according to Jones.

“Morale has picked up a ton with news about our new ladder truck,” said Jones.

The city spent about $900,000 for a new ladder truck, now en route for delivery. The Assistant Chief indicated it will be just in time.

“We’ll take delivery one day next week,” said Jones. “When we do get it we will take a while to get it serviceable and loaded out with equipment. It can’t get here soon enough. We moved the truck we have now out on the driveway and there was a big puddle of oil and hydraulic fluid. So, thank goodness its here.”

A retirement ceremony for the old one and a housing ceremony for the new one will be planned.

“We will have a chaplain come out and bless this one for us, and maybe we can push this one into the house,” said Jones. “We will have to wait and see.”

By John Rech

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