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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

I called at 6:39 PM Tuesday evening to report I had not received my paper and sometime after that a paper was delivered to my home. Much to my dismay if was another Monday’s paper! I noticed that a person on Dover had written in Text The Times that day that they’re paper had not been delivered by 7. Hopefully this will get corrected soon. Sitting behind a computer after working on one all day just isn’t as relaxing as sitting in my easy chair reading my paper and having a cup of coffee. [ Editor’s Note: As always, my apologies. We value every single one of our subscribers and off- the- rack readers, so I assure you we take all missed- paper reports seriously. And again, as always, please text us your address if you miss a paper, so we can better address the problem]

*** As you can guess no one at horseshoe lake enjoys a paper any more we just about don’t get one 830 pm no such thing doesn’t seem to bother any one at the times [ Editor’s Note: Please see above]

*** RUNNING FOR RE-ELECTION, with at least 13 not even running for re-election, this is so quiet and hush hush, but people do not be fooled. Vote the entire ballot. Do not stop until you see the word CONFIRM. EVEN OUR SO CALLED CITY COUNCILMAN ARE UP FOR ELECTION. WHERE’S THE SIGNS, THE FLYERS THE NEWSPAPER? THIS REALLYCONCERNS ME. [ Editor’s Note: While locally, most of our key elected officials ran back in 2014, so they’re not up for re- election, or they’ve done well enough that they are unopposed, there are a few contested races. But I will agree with you, there’s not nearly as much political advertising, either in the paper or via those yard signs that seem to pop up like mushrooms every election cycle. However, those residing in West Memphis have probably seen the School Board candidates’ signs beginning to sprout around town. All seven school board members are facing opposition ( including two that are running against each other due to redrawn district lines), and that election is in just a few weeks, on Tuesday Sept. 20]

*** Bragg has told parents that pick up their children from school to park on Gibson street. They should have reminded the parents that the home owners don’t like people walking in their yards. And, someone needs to remind the Crisp truck drivers to not speed up and down our streets, especially around 8 am and 3 pm. [ Editor’s Note: What’s the sidewalk situation on Gibson, because while I certainly wouldn’t want my lawn to become a trampled mess, I’m not keen on kids walking in the streets either. As to your second point, maybe they read the paper?]

*** Whoever came up with the new pickup policy at Bragg need to be fired. [ Editor’s Note: That seems a little harsh. My daughter goes to Bragg, but I have yet to have to deal with the new pick- up procedures. I hope they get it all figured

out before I have to if it’s as bad as you say]

*** Could anyone with an iota of intelligence Vote for Trump? If the answer is yes…why/how? If the answer is no, I guess that tells you all you need to know about his supporters IQ-IMHO.

[ Editor’s Note: OK, so here’s the deal. For years and years, I’ve heard many, many people say they were tired of the “ political insiders,” the “ career politicians,” and the “ Washington establishment” or whatever running things, and that it was time for a nonpolitician outsider to step in, one that wasn’t concerned with just being a party- pleaser beholding to special interests. Now, here we were this time around, with both parties having the opportunity to do just that. Well, in this game of “ presidential chicken,” the Democrats blinked first, cooling on Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton, who is about as “ inside” as they come. The Republicans refused to back down from this idea and Trump secured the nomination. It’s almost like the Democrats went, “ Wait, what are we doing?”

about a month before the convention and momentum swung back to Clinton. The Republicans, it would seem, didn’t do that until about a month after their convention. I won’t argue whether or not intelligence factors into it, but whether or not you agree with him, Trump’s message resonates with millions of disenchanted American voters — not enough to win, mind you, but millions nonetheless]


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