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City, Police looking to crack down on code enforcement


City, Police looking to crack down on code enforcement

Yard maintenance, illegal dumping among most common violations

The West Memphis Police Department has a new tool in hand to help enforce codes on the weekends. Grass clippings in the city streets and gutters clogging storm drains and garage sale violations are some of the weekend issues often overlooked. Code Enforcement Officer Mike Antel normally works during business hours Monday through Friday, leaving a blind spot on the weekend.

Antel produced a common code violation flier for the public works commission to consider. The handbill is a list of the most common code violations and the fine. This effort followed up an initiative last year producing a special ticket book just for code violations.

“We went through the book and found the most common violations we are called on each week,” said Antel. “These are on-site violations that officers could see, like sweeping in the gutters and yard sale violations.”

The cheat sheet tells them what to look for and lists the municipal codes and the ordinance numbers. This information allows any officer to have on hand the information to properly cite a code violation.

Antel said most violations are cleared up after a conversation but that repeaters could expect to be written up.

“I’ve seen the judge lately issue fines around $85 for most of these violations,” said Antel.

City Councilman James Pulliaum appreciated proactive code enforcement.

“You know we get calls every time it rains when the water backs up,” said Pulliaum. “Just yesterday as I drove around I saw grass swept into the street. We have to do something as a deterrent because it is doing a lot to our drainage system to push all that through. It’s better letting the police handle this.”

With that the Public Works Committee approved the flier to be circulated to patrolman and the public.

“Let’s post this on our cable access channel as well,” said Pulliaum.

Most common code violations

WMPD set to step up enforcement

By John Rech

West Memphis Police are always on the lookout for municipal code violations. A list of the most common problems was recently circulated to police as a sort of “be on the lookout” guide. A rise in weekend enforcement of code violations is expected as frequent problem spots were pointed out.

Here, according to city code enforcement officer Mike Antel, is a list from at the “cheat sheet” patrolmen will be using to identify and enforce the most common transgressions:

Litter and Debris, Municipal Code 6.20, ord. 393

Trash/Grass/Leaves into streets or gutter, signs on telephone poles, trees, buildings.

Illegal Dumping, Municipal Code 8.04, ord. 1128

Dumping on lots/vacant CODE

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lots/ dumping in Dumpster that does not belong to them/ especially tire dumping. Trouble spots: Montclair Cr., Jefferson from 7th to 13th, Richardson & 13th, South Loop.

Sign ordinance Violation,

Municipal Code 12.68, ord. 1485

Sticking signs in the ground, mass produced signs for credit checks, weight loss and other business advertising. Trouble spots: Broadway flower beds, Mainstreet area, Missouri St.

Obstruction in Roadway, Municipal code 13.16, ord. 2159

Basketballs goals, ramps, street hockey

Yard Sale Violations, Municipal Code 5.68 ord. 1082

make sure residents have a yard sale permit

Placing anything in waterway, ditch, bayou, storm drain such as grass clippings, leaves, liquids etc. Only rainwater is allowed in ditches and storm drains.

Semi Parking, Municipal code 11.08, ord. 898 Trucks with a capacity of one ton ore more in residential area fro more than four hours in one day, Truck is allowed long term if parked behind property line. Absolutely no trailers unless making a delivery.

By John Rech

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