Your way or His way?
Your way or His way?
By Clayton Adams Frank Sinatra recorded a hit song and to this day this song best identifies the life and perhaps attitude of an iconic American music and film star. But did you know the song in its foreign debut was about the end of a love affair?
Sharing a meal together, Frank Sinatra asked Paul Anka to write him a song.
Anka took the challenge and began the metamorphosis of an unusual tune, then known “As Usual” a French song, and made it into the major hit it became; “And now, the end is near; And so I face the final curtain. My friend, I'll say it clear, I'll state my case, of which I'm certain. I've lived a life that's full of. I've traveled each and every highway; And more, much more than this, I did it my way.”
“I did it my way.”
This song does have a great melody and rises to the crescendo “I did it my way” for the ending. This song conveys the independence, confident attitude and the braggadocio Americans love and what we Americans have become known for worldwide. No wonder people from every culture and nation desire to come to our great country!
Simon and Garfunkel's famous “I Am a Rock” states; “I touch no one and no one touches me I am a rock I am an island, And a rock feels no pain, And an island never cries.” This song conveys the same attitude as “My Way” but Simon's ending details the reality of feeling alone.
Perhaps the single most cruel state one can find oneself is being alone and without hope. Simply said, you and I were not created, intended or designed to live as an island to ourselves in the sea of humanity.
People were created by God to have relationships with one another. The most important relationship you should have is with God through His Son Jesus Christ. After this, family, friends and our “neighbors.” How are your relationships? Do you have a relationship with God? Do you have friends? Are they the right type of friends for you? The Bible describes the way to have friends; “A man that has many friends must show himself to be friendly…” (Proverbs 18:24) One can choose to live life for selfish purposes “Get all you can, can all you get and keep all you can.” This philosophy leads to a splintered person. Vexed by selfishness and never learning to be content, this person loses out on the greatest satisfaction known to the human soul — the ability to be a blessing and encouragement to someone else who can give nothing in return.
Jesus said, “Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure-pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.” (Luke 6:38) Do you give grudgingly or with an attitude of generosity?
Many believe the lie that if they don't have money, they don't have anything to give or somehow have failed or are cursed. None of these beliefs are true. In their book, The Generosity Factor, authors Ken Blanchard and S. Truett Cathy detail the virtues of giving what God has blessed each person with.
Every person has been given some quality, some capacity to give to others.
You have been given an abundance of time, talent, treasure or touch and if I may add one to Blanchard and Cathy's list it would be tenderness.
Lets say you have an abundance of time but little or no money. Give your time to a church, nursing home, school, perhaps the little old lady who sits at home – alone. Your time could be the greatest gift to someone.
Perhaps you find yourself with little money but you have the ability to touch the life of someone else.
Meet an unspoken need by mowing the grass, repairing a fence, weeding a garden, you have the ability to touch a life that requires no money.
Perhaps you have an abundance of money but little time. Find areas you can give your abundance to meet needs. Those that have the Midas touch can use their gifting to further the works of humanity. I think of Mother Teresa who blessed others through her ability to touch and show tenderness to those who needed it the most, she used her time, talent, touch and tenderness and the treasure others gave and changed the lives of countless thousands upon thousands.
Tenderness is the ability to be empathetic, to listen without judging, to identify with and to encourage another to rise above.
Empathy is not sympathy.
Empathy is simply identifying with and encouraging another. No one should be envious of another's gifting or capacity. Envy and jealousy will find no haven if each one applies his or her gifting – use the one you have and stop being envious of another's gifting.
Frank Sinatra came to loathe the song he made famous, but it was too late — that song became his persona. He was never designed or equipped to do it “My Way” and neither are we.
You have been gifted, you have been designed and equipped to fulfill the purpose God created you for.
You can do it your way but it is better to do it His way. It's your choice, Your Way or His Way.
Clayton Adams is pastor at Earle First Assembly of God. You can e- mail him at cpalaa@ yahoo. com, or find Earle First Assembly on Facebook.
‘AWord from the Pastor’