Our View
Our View
Focus on the real problems in police/community relations
It is clearly obvious a concerted effort is being made by law enforcement and community leaders throughout not only our community but also elsewhere in hopes to quell the senseless killing of police officers as well as addressing the issues causing absolutely senseless, lawless and violent radical behavior.
These murders and gutless attacks by a radical element of our society is absolutely intolerable and every effort by responsible citizens, respected community leaders and elected officials should be taken to quell this very disturbing situation that is eroding our country’s basic principal of law and order.
Here of late, there have been a number of forums focusing on clashes between law enforcement and blacks. Even Gov. Asa Hutchinson spoke at a recent such forum in North Little Rock admitting that instances of misconduct by police must be addressed but said with individually.
Hutchinson was among the speakers at a “We Speak! Call-to-Action Forum, hosted by St. Luke Baptist Church in North Little Rock, a program focusing on, not only clashes between police and blacks but, also issues underlying them and ways to address those issues.
During this forum, Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola says the city needs to do more, while Sherwood Mayor Virginia Hillman Young said admitted mistakes happen but more work needs to be done to bring about positive solutions.
Then Pulaski County Circuit Judge Wendell Griffen, who is black, said the injustices that have occurred are not accidental and said a black person can’t walk around safely without fear of getting killed.
Griffen also called for a moratorium on building new prisons and jails saying, “we have too many people in jail who should never have been there.”
Let us throw our “two-cents” in on this issue by making it absolutely clear that 99 percent of the men and women in law enforcement are fair, understanding and even compassionate. They are our neighbors, sons, daughters and spouses all of whom are putting their lives at risk every day protecting all of us, both black, white and every other color, from a lawless and criminal element in our society that rapes, pillages, robs and murders every second of the day.
While it has been convenient to demonize every aspect of law enforcement why aren’t these socalled concerned leaders and public officials talking about crux of the problem such as:
• Children dependent upon government subsidy being raised in single parent households with little to no supervision or guidance.
• Illegal drug use within low-income neighborhoods.
• Gang violence within high crime areas.
• Lack of involvement from within the faith-based communities.
• Failure on the part of community leaders within these low-income areas to provide guidance, mentorship or provide effective programs that focus on specific and critical issues.
Denial, pointing blame and misguided accusations and a clear failure to accept a portion of the responsibility are all factors in this very serious situation.
The majority of the entire law enforcement family are getting a bad rap with little support from those leaders who should be standing up for them, but rather pandering to those individuals shouting discrimination, profiling and police brutality.
There is certainly enough blame to go around, and those individuals yelling discrimination and police brutality need to step up to the plate.