Pediatrician’s bedside manner rubs mother the wrong way
M*A*S*H program gives students medical career insights
ASU Mid- South hosts summer sessions for local high schoolers
You’d expect to hear about some high adventure from a high school summer camp. Team building on a ropes course, a helicopter landing and learning geared to propelling a young career are all items on the punch list for a good summer camp. The Medical Applications Science Health M*A*S*H through the University of Arkansas Medical Science program and Funded by Farm Bureau Insurance at ASU-Mid South campus was no exception.
The camp opened to those entertaining the idea of entering the medical field and carry a great high school GPA. Nine students with a 3.8 attended the camp and hailed from the Academies of West Memphis, Marion, and Earle high schools.
M*A*S*H served to heighten interest in the medical field and 2015 survey results indicated that 98 percent attending M*A*S*H pursue medical careers according, to Janet Ligon, Pre-health Career Recruiter for UAMS. In the same survey students stated 60 percent were more likely to serve in rural health centers and primary care after the camp experience.
Mornings started with each student shadowing real medical practitioners.
The M*A*S*H director really appreciated the support from some key members of the medical, dental and veterinarian community.
Martha Herron with
By John Rech