Kiwifruit:Your #1 Source of Vitamin C
Kiwifruit:Your #1 Source of Vitamin C
The word kiwifruit and the shortened kiwi have been used since around 1966, when the fruit was first exported from New Zealand to the United States.
Kiwi may be eaten raw, made into juices, cooked or used as a garnish.The whole fruit, including the skin, is suitable for human consumption; however, the skin is often discarded due to its texture. The kiwi fruit is one of the few foods available to us that contain naturally high amounts of vitamin B6,an immune-supportive nutrient that helps protect against a variety of issues.
The seeds of a kiwi are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which support brain and joint health. Kiwi is rich in polyphenols, which support complete heart health. And don't forget the fact that one single kiwi has more vitamin C than an orange.
The kiwi fruit contains a lot of vitamin K as well, which protects against many of the most common chronic health conditions.
The kiwi can be a cause of allergic reaction to some people, including children.
The consumption of new foods should always be done with caution.