Text The Times. Text The Times.
Text The Times.
Text The Times.
What happened to Walter E. William’s column “A Minority View?” [Editor’s Note: Didn’t I already have this one? Anyway, the short answer is: Nothing… I ran his column in the online-only edition for a couple of weeks due to some holiday scheduling/ deadline issues, but hopefully you saw him back in his regular Wednesday slot last week. Mr. Williams offers a unique veiwpoint — an older, ultra-conservative black man. He’s in his 80s now, and when he decides to retire, that will be a very difficult hole to fill] Is it true the new mayor is putting a man who was forced to resign from the fire department as our new chief and his brother over part of the fire department where he no experience. I hear people are resigning left and right. What is going to happen to our department which is one of the highest rated in the state? [Editor’s Note: I don’t think “forced to resign” is the right phrase. He was given the opportunity to resign rather than face disciplinary action. Eve heard the talk about McClendon’t brother coming back to the WMFD but I don't think that has actually happened… at least not yet. There has, indeed, been a large number of personnel leaving the department.
I suppose the answer to your question about the future of the West Memphis Fire Department and its ISO-1 rating is that we’ll simply have to wait and see. They used to share a lot of what was going on there on Facebook, but the last couple of times I checked it out, the page was down…
perhaps permanently]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: