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The Don’ts for Halloween

The Don’ts for Halloween


The Don’ts for Halloween

SHEs (Sidetracked Home Executives) have to be very cautious when any big holiday comes around and Halloween is no exception. The excitement, assisted by our amazing creative abilities, can send us over the holiday edge into over-doing. The following DON’Ts will help you think twice before you make any big Halloween moves.

1. Don’t buy your favorite candy to pass out for trickor- treaters. Instead buy all the candies you don't like.

That way you won’t be tempted to eat all the leftover treats on into Thanksgiving.

2. Don’t decorate beyond your ability to undecorate.

Think “What goes up must come down.” Remember witches and pumpkins don’t look good with Santa and sleighs.

3. Don’t ask your kids what they want to be for Halloween… unless you’re prepared to be up all night at the sewing machine or taping and gluing a costume that will never look like the intended character. Instead give them a choice between two options — between a ghost or a witch for example.

4. Don’t go within 100 yards of a craft or fabric store after October 28.

Those stores will be halfpricing all the Halloween stuff and you’ll be tempted to think you’ll have time to pull off some scary creations in time for Halloween. You won’t!

5. Don’t put an infant into a costume. Make a “costume” for the stroller. You can make a spooky cave or a monster “eating” the baby. Here’s a video: lifestyle-health/pamshalloween- ideas 6. Don’t send your leftover Halloween candy to the troops. Candy isn't good for us, even though it tastes so good. It’d probably be better to send it to a terrorist organization. If you’re a Democrat you could send it to Trump or if you’re a Republican send it to Chuck Schumer.

7. Don’t let your kids go trick-or-treating without giving them dinner.

There’s a cute commercial that portrays children melting down on Halloween because they didn’t eat.

8. Don’t be afraid to turn off the lights when you’re done giving out candy.

Halloween doesn’t necessarily have a “cut-off time,” although some cities set trick-or-treat hours.

When you’re done, you’re done. Turn off the porch light, blow out the candle in your jack o’ lantern, and watch some scary movies until bedtime.

9. Don’t let your age keep you from donning a wig, or wearing a costume when you’re out and about on October 31. It’s a Wednesday this year so have some fun at the grocery store, the gas station, the dentist’s or wherever you’re going.

10. Don’t forget to enjoy this fun day. Watch the excitement of your children and grandchildren and take lots of pictures!

Happy Halloween!

For more from Pam Young go to www. cluborganized. com. You’ll find many musings, videos of Pam in the kitchen preparing delicious meals, videos on how to get organized, lose weight and get your finances in order, all from a reformed slob’s point of view.



‘Make It Fun’ By Pam Young

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