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Crime has No Color

Crime has No Color


Crime has No Color

By Sherry Holliman Some say “black-on-black crime,” and some say “disadvantaged individuals.”

Whatever it is called, it is for certain that criminal acts must be addressed and most definitely not tolerated — no matter what race, gender, or social class that the accused may be.

It seems that it is easier for a disadvantaged individual to get a deadly weapon than to get a driver's licenses, voter registration card, an education — or in some cases complete a sentence — than to get a job.

Many citizens want to blame the culture, but the culture is not responsible for this violent behavior or crime increase. When it comes to violent crimes, it should be considered a multifaceted problem, a public policy issue, or a dysfunctional labor market matter. Crime is complex because it involves factors beyond law enforcement.

With the crime rate in Crittenden County growing everyday, how can we, as the people of Crittenden County, not question ourselves about the how these people became who they are? Think about how many children grow up being neglected, abused, harassed, raped, and exploited. Not every child has parents, relatives, teachers, neighbors, ministers — just a person to teach them right from wrong, provide them love and discipline, show them the moral and material value of hard work and education, and bring them to cherish the self-respect that comes only from respecting the life of others.

How do we deal with the issue of our increasing violent crime? Anyone that can make a difference should reach out to disadvantaged individuals to offer resolutions with the intent of reducing or eliminating a potential violent act from occurring.

The focus needs to be on preventing the conditions that draw people into violent or criminal behavior.

It will take a coordinated effort by educators, churches, elected officials, health professionals, counselors, and local community activists and leaders to stem the violence. They must devise and coordinate short-term and long-term strategies and programs to provide jobs, training, better education, and boost the self-esteem of at-risk youth. Public officials must provide the political muscle and resources to implement these programs.

Sherry Holliman is a concerned citizen of Crittenden County and has some views on a variety of topics that she wants to share with her neighbors.

‘A Political View’

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