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Hughes/Horseshoe Lake News


Hughes/Horseshoe Lake News

Garden Club

The Hughes Town & Country Garden Club met on Dec. 15, at the Snowden House at Horseshoe Lake. This month’s hostesses were: Barb McKee and Nan Lambert. Guests at this month’s meeting were Martha McKay and Sherry May. The Program was on Trees, where Barb McKee read with enthusiasm, “A Very Scraggly Christmas Tree”. The ladies enjoyed a nice lunch catered by Debbie Elmore of Custom Catering: Garden Salad, Chicken Lasagna, Green Beans, Bread and Cheesecake. Door prizes went to: Mary Ann Pittman- Bromeliad, and three poinsettias – Butch Murray, Melinda Akins and Janey Carpenter. After the meeting and luncheon were over Martha McKay gave a tour and told the history of Snowden House. Each member and guest left with a pottery piece made by Barb McKee.



Congratulations to Dustin and Rebekah Allman. Their daughter, Paisley Grace Allman arrived on Dec. 16. She was born at 10:12 p.m. weighing 7 pounds and 1 ounce and was 20.5 inches long.


Church News

The Horseshoe Lake Baptist Church had a successful event with their Chili/Soup Fundraiser. The community pulled together and had over a dozen choices of soups/chili with all the trimmings of crackers, cornbread and desserts galore. Each child that attended received a Bible, candy cane and a toy.

*** Tree Decorating

The First Annual Christmas Tree Decorating at the Surf Club on Dec. 16 was a fun filled evening. They started with the lighting of the tree and then ornaments were brought by the whole community to place on the tree. They served coffee and hot chocolate along with cookies and treats. Everyone sat around the fire pit and enjoyed fellowship with old and new friends. Booklets of Christmas songs were passed out and they sang Christmas Carols. Afterwards Trevor Thomen (TNT) did a solo concert with his Clarinet for everyone.


Christmas Decorating Contest

On Dec. 17, thirteen youths gathered at Shawn & Marsha Siders home and then took 4 SUV’s and a golf cart and drove around the Town to look at Yards of Christmas Decorations. Two of the top contenders, one was passing out candy canes and the other had hot chocolate, cookies and candy canes for the youths. Everyone met at City Hall, where all the youths were given an index card and asked to put their choice on it. After tallying, the winners for 2017 went to Greg & Kathy Davenport on Lakeview Drive. They received “The Winner” yard decoration which is placed in their yard until the end of the year and will be returned for next year’s contest. The Davenport’s also received Restaurant Gift cards that were donated. Afterwards the youths went back to the Siders house and enjoyed a Hot Chocolate Bar, sandwiches, snacks and desserts. The community wishes to thank Marsha Siders for always making sure the youths have something to do.



Our prayers and thoughts go out to the family of Denver Forbis, Sr., who passed away on Dec. 14.


Hughes United Methodist Church Acknowledgments

Dec. 22nd – Happy Birthday Wishes to: William L. Marotti, Jr., Scott Bonds, Tray Dillahunty, and Wade Bonds. Happy Anniversary to: Louis & Kassie Bobo. In Memory: Louise Taylor and Cornelia J. Pittman.

Dec. 23rd – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Carter S. Burgess, Bill Clarke, and Timothy Stackhouse. Happy Anniversary to: Jack & Nancy Lofton. In Memory: Mrs. Minnie Ashworth and Ed Latham.

Dec. 24th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Beck Taylor Winterer and Mike Lindsay.

Dec. 25th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Machelle Smith, Stanton Dillahunty, Lori Beth Fitzgerald and Amy Van Houten Pinero. In Memory: Vadena Lunsford.

Dec. 26th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Chandler Astin and Brenda Bain. Happy Anniversary to: Vester & Jackie Steele.

Dec. 27th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Faith Coats, Thomas Keith Smith and Jackie Steele. Happy Anniversary to: Emmett & Lucille Gadberry. In Memory: Billy Burns and E. C. Bobo.

Dec. 28th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Paul Cromeans, Kerry Brown Hatman, Donna Sutherland and Bob Burditt. In Memory: Josephine Fesperman and C. L. Burch.


Calendar of Events Dec. 23rd

Mass, 5 p.m., St. Mary’s of the Lake Catholic Church.

Dec. 24th

Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., Worship Service, 11 a.m., Horseshoe Lake Baptist Church.

Worship Service, 5 p.m., Hughes United Methodist Church.

Dec. 25th

Merry Christmas!!

Deadline for weekly news, 8 p.m., contact Holly Bacon at 870-339-3514 or

Dec. 26th

No Zumba

Dec. 27th

Horseshoe Lake Utilities and City Hall reopen after Christmas.

Dec. 28th

Zumba and Lower Body Weights, 8 a.m., Surf Blub Building

Dec. 29th

Zumba only, 8 a.m., Surf Club Building Next weekly column appears.

By Holly Bacon

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