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Community Correction lauds local, regional efforts

New West Memphis ACC facility ‘ instrumental’ in division’s success

Arkansas Community Correction LITTLE ROCK – Arkansas Community Correction honored its eastern Arkansas parole and probation division – Area 9 – with its Impact Award during a banquet held over the weekend.

Area 9, including Woodruff, Monroe, Phillips, Lee, St. Francis, Cross and Crittenden counties, has excelled this year.

Not only is it constantly striving to improve, but it now has to be considered as one of the top, if not the top, parole and probation areas in the state.

Every year, the ACC honors exemplary employees and areas during its Gold Key Awards Banquet. Area 9 was nominated for an award by an employee who noted that “each and every day, week and month, ACC’s Management Team and the Area Managers receive reports detailing each area’s and every officer's efforts to supervise their offenders correctly, while engaging their offenders to become productive members of society, and all the while maintaining the public's safety. “The employees of Area 9

Arkansas Department of Community Corrections representatives from Area 9, which includes the new West Memphis ACC center at the site of the former Crittenden Regional Hospital. Front row: Tiffany Moore-Townsel, Markita Thompson, Lanette Missman, Sandy Scott, Candice Adams, Chicurby Evans, Jennifer Miller, Shantina Weeks, Jennifer Clements, Constance Brown, and Matthew Drake, Second row: Kenneth Walker, Lucille Brown, Tiara Meacham, Johnathan Lanes, James Mize, Cameron King, Sierra Harris, April Thomas, and Reginald Gray.

Submitted photo are dedicated individuals who’ve come together as a team to work together to combat offender recidivism, increase public safety, and utilize evidencebased practices to better our community.

“In addition, Area 9 has been instrumental in the establishment and transfer of the new East Central Arkansas Unit in West Memphis. Staff members have helped with the move, new employee orientations, new officer training academies, as well as offering transferring employees options for new living arrangements, making introductions to local resources, and telling the new employees about local shopping, churches, and schools. We are excited to welcome East Central community and look forward to being a great neighbor and friend in the future,” according to the nomination “We are proud of our accomplishments,” says Area 9 Manager Brian Holt, “but we are aware that there is much more work to do and we look forward to meeting those challenges head on.”

Area 9 has four offices and 49 employees who work throughout the sevencounty


From Brian Holt

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