Text The Times.
Text The Times.
I can barely read the since it was changed print is too light and too small also put the 3 major first [ Editor’s Note: I’ve got enough context clues to know what this is about… the terrible, horrible, no- good, very bad TV guide we are running on the Entertainment page. I’ve not seen outrage in Text the Times on this level since Gordon Floyd stripped down to his shorts for a car wash fundraiser! We have been looking for a TV guide that is more appealing for our readers for over a week now, and there just doesn’t appear to be much out there that is compatible with our needs. Everything is either too big to print, not available to our specific area, too expensive for what is provided or, well just not the right thing. I know many of our readers don’t use the Internet or smart- phones, so directing you to an online TV guide won’t help much, but http:// www. tv. com/ listings/ does have an interactive customizable menu. Unfortunately, it’s not in a format we can put on paper]
*** it'll be exciting when you start talking about opening the movie theater in Angelos Grove. and why are you discussing 2018 events? how about events this year or maybe 2017. but 2018? really? [ Editor’s Note: You do realize that in less than two weeks it will BE 2017? So, basically, you’re talking about a year to get all of these Angelo’s Grove plans going. That’s not really that much time. The wheels of progress turn slowly around here, so it’s not like we’re talking far into the future here. I’m excited about seeing some real development locally, and as much as I would enjoy not having to drive to Memphis to see a movie, I’m not 100% convinced that putting one here is going to work. It will take a lot of effort to establish that there will be zero tolerance on teenage shenanigans. I’m old enough to remember the Holiday Twin Cinema in West Memphis, and I feel very certain that the average teen’s level of respect for other people’s property hasn’t gone up in the past 25 years]
*** When are you going to run the letters to Santa this year? I always get a kick out of seeing them. Thanks. [ Editor’s Note: I do too! In fact, my Mom still has one of my Letters to Santa from when I was a kid. I asked for a 12- inch Boba Fett ( from Star Wars) and I finally got one… last year. Look for the Letters to Santa later this week!]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: