CASA of the Arkansas Delta 3rd Annual Ultimate Razorback Fan raffle huge success
CASA of the Arkansas Delta 3rd Annual Ultimate Razorback Fan raffle huge success
Fundraiser nets nearly $ 4,000 for child advocate service
Program Coordinator CASA of the Arkansas Delta CASA of the Arkansas Delta hosted its 3rd Annual “Ultimate Razorback Fan Raffle.” The event was a huge success! CASA Staff and Volunteers sold tickets raising $3,746.00. The proceeds raised will be used to provide training and supplies to CASAVolunteer Advocates in Crittenden, Cross, and Phillip County.
CASAVolunteers speak up on behalf of abused and neglected children in the county's Foster Care System by conveying their needs and best interests to the Juvenile Court Judges presiding over their cases.
The fundraiser would not have been successful without donations from local businesses and individuals.
The 1st place prize was a large cooler filled with Razorback memorabilia and gift certificates with a total value of over $1,500. The sponsors for the 1st place prize were: Percer Management Group, Steele Guiltner Tire Pros, Wolf Brothers Funeral Home, JR& K Printing, The Gift Cottage, A Basket of Flowers, Merry Magnolia, Delta Office Supply, Caldwell Home Medical, 4-D Monogramming, Taylor Barfield, Trendi Chix, The Gilliam Family, The Harrison Family, Delta Blu, Lasting Impression Child Care, The Floyd Family, Andrew & Joanie Taylor, Farm Credit-Mid-South, Lenny's Sub Shop, Cracker Barrel Restaurant, Sue Dry Cleaners, Crittenden Bank, Fidelity Bank, Upscale Properties, Cotton Hue, Tru-Value Hardware, West Memphis Chamber of Commerce, Delta Ice. The winner of the 1st Prize was Terry LaRue.
The 2nd place prize was a large Arkansas Razorback Wreath donated by Stefanie Dostal valued at $50. The 2nd place winner was Louise Percer.
The drawing was held on Oct. 8, during the Hometown Harvest Crawfordsville Festival. CASA Staff and Volunteers would like to thank everyone who purchased a ticket. This year's raffle raised $1,700 more than last year. It was exciting to see Razorback Fans and members of the communities get involved to make a difference in the lives of the children in Foster Care.
For more information about volunteering for CASA in Crittenden, Cross, or Phillip County, please contact Jeannetta Gilliam or Chloe Harrison at (870) 702-5950 at the West Memphis Office or Marva Pry-Riley at 870-(870) 362-1212 for Cross County or Pearl Walton at (870) 821-2940 for Phillips County.
From Jeannetta Gilliam,