Text The Times.
Text The Times.
Wonder who paid for policy on the board members the employes of hospital. They had to know all those months where premiums were going. Supplying their pay. [ Editor’s Note: You know, I gave the whole hospital situation the benefit of the doubt back when all the problems were going on back in 2014. I assumed that if there were anything fraudulent or otherwise shady going on that someone would in an official capacity would come forward and blow the whistle. You may recall all of the stories we had in the paper in support of the whole “ Save Our Hospital” effort. Even after rumors about missing money and unpaid employee health coverage premiums started coming out, I, perhaps naïvely, again dismissed it as mostly hearsay or angry employees. But, as more and more came out, it was clear that at the very least there was mismanagement at the old hospital, and yes, the fact that the personal liability insurance policy for the board was paid up but the other bills were in arrears speaks volumes more than I could express otherwise]
*** What do these protesters think is really going to change? [ Editor’s Note: I don’t know. I really don’t. I mean, do you think if the Cleveland Indians fans protested enough that Major League Baseball would take away the Chicago Cubs’ World Series title? In an actual answer to the earlier text, there does seem to be plenty of evidence to suggest that at least some of the anti-Trump protesters are being paid ( although by whom is unclear), so I guess that might be their motivation more than actually trying to overturn the election results. The petition to convince members of the Electoral College to change their assigned votes is a little more direct and at least possible, but no, that’s not going to work either… nor should it, no matter who you support]
*** What if we all just stayed home on Black Friday?
[ Editor’s Note: Then we would all miss out on the awesome deals that await holiday shoppers! But I see where you’re coming from.
I am glad to see that many retailers are backing off of opening up on Thanksgiving night and are at least waiting until ( very, very early) Friday morning to launch their sales. Now, having said that, if you really are just fed up with the corporate commercialization of turning Thanksgiving weekend into a Christmas shopping frenzy, then get organized! Launch a movement! If this past election is any indication, if you get enough angry, like-minded folks together, you can pull off some very surprising things]
*** Re: the fitness pad at Brunetti Park. Great news! Our great community of Crittenden County cannot have enough public parks.
[ Editor’s Note: I was pretty excited to see the fitness pad go up. My daughter and I recently checked a similar setup over at Audobon Park in Memphis and then a few weeks later I found out Marion was getting one. It’s pretty cool, and each exercise station is set up for use by folks of all fitness levels. If you’re looking for a free, easy way to work out that isn’t just jogging, I’d recommend giving it a try]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: