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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

I disagree with your comment about the Medical Marijuana.

IF you had a child having seizures that it would help or a family member with terminal cancer that it would ease the pain, you may rethink your decision.

[ Editor’s Note: I don’t discount the idea that marijuana has sedative and pain- relieving effects. I would question whether or not it’s necessary.

There are dozens of pain- relief drugs already available with a prescription, as well as medicines for all of the handful of conditions listed on the “ approved” list in Arkansas’ newly- passed medical marijuana law. I do suspect there will be a great deal of difficulty in “ weeding” out ( you see what I did there?) legitimate marijuana users ( which is a stretch, anyway, since marijuana is still illegal on a federal level) from those who just want to get high. Throw in regulating cultivation, sales and the increased risk of impaired drivers, and I can’t see the value compared to the risks it creates. Of course, I’d be all for getting rid of tobacco and alcohol, too, so my opinion is a tad slanted. Not a moral stance, just a personal one. My vice is cookies, and you’ll get my Chip’s Ahoy when you pry them from my cold, dead hand]

*** If you didn’t vote, stop complaining!

[ Editor’s Note: Eh, even if you did vote, stop complaining]

*** Greatest upset in American history?

[ Editor’s Note: I’m going to say no. Now, I will readily admit that I was shocked, dumbfounded honestly, by Donald Trump’s win over Hillary Clinton. Yes, some folks are losing their minds, but I’ve moved up to “ fingers crossed” in my level of concern. But this is just the way our system works. Every few years, the “ other side” gets a turn. No party or platform has proven sustainable for more than 20 years. You’d have to go back to the 1932- 1948 elections to see a party stay in power for such a sustained period, and that took the Great Depression and World War II to make it happen. Call it the will of the people, or at least the will enough people. Voter turnout this year was 53 percent, of those Trump received 47 percent of the vote. That’s not only more votes ( and a higher percentage of the vote) than Bill Clinton received in both of his terms and a higher number of votes that George W. Bush received in both of his terms. As for the greatest upset in American History? The War of 1812. Not only did we turn back a British invasion, but the win also made us 2- 0 against the largest empire the world has ever seen]


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