Text The Times.
Text The Times.
Just finished voting. I would like to say this was one of the most unorganized unprofessional year of them all. The poll workers were dressed so shabby, one even wore flip flops! My goodness. When I finally got to my polling site the poll workers there were just as bad. Two ladies arguing over a chair of all things when we all just stood there and watched. As I was trying to sign the pad the lady kept pulling it away from me. As I was walking over to the machine there was a man there that told the poll worker “this is my first time doing this, what do I do” the poll worker looked him dead in the eye and said “well all you do is read it and punch.” Then walked away. I’m sure that gentleman will remember those instructions. Very sad day when you don’t have properly trained poll workers for such an important event. My my. Where were you Mr. Yen? They needed you today. [ Editor’s Note: I’m not saying this didn’t happen, but I was at five different polling places on Election Day and saw nothing like you describe at any of those. Of course, there were 25 polling sites and 12 hours of voting, so obviously there was plenty of time and opportunity for problems. I wish you had included which precinct you were at, as I’m sure election coordinators would like to know where a problem, if it exists, is and make adjustments]
*** Chuck Livingston we will miss reading our articles in the paper! Best of luck to you. [ Editor’s
Note: I will certainly join in saying he will be missed.
He’s basically been Mr. Automatic for being reliable and thorough and on point. If you still need your Chuck fix, be sure to grab next year’s edition of Hooten’s Arkansas Football, ‘ cause that’s who he’s going to work for] — [ Sports Editor’s note: I really appreciate that.
It’s been a lot of fun being your Sports Editor since July of 2013.
*** One Samuel 8:18 [ Editor’s Note: So, I was sitting up here at the office when this popped up on the Text the Times phone… just a single Bible verse. While I do know me some Bible, I didn’t immediately recognize the verse, so naturally I looked it up. It is, and I quote: “ When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.” I’m just going to leave it at that]
*** As part of the inauguration ceremony they need to wash his mouth out with soap! [ Editor’s Note: While Mr. President- elect Trump has certainly said some very inappropriate things, and while I’m still honestly shocked at the election night results, let’s not pretend that there haven’t been plenty of foul- mouthed politicians throughout history. Trump just happens to have a penchant for saying his dirty words within earshot of a microphone.
Surely he’ll figure out a way to cut back on that once in office…
surely. Otherwise, we’ll have to put the State of the Union address on a 7- second delay]
*** The pot calling the kettle the n word. Why is it that most rappers and most black people can use this word to identify each other and it’s socially acceptable but when a white person uses it they are called racist and someone wants to put them in jail. This is still America and what’s wrong for one is wrong for the rest. This is discrimination and maybe we should form an NAAWP to protect our rights. [ Editor’s Note: The fact that you used the phrase “ the n word” rather than using the actual word shows exactly how much impact the word has.
What a segment of the black community has done is reappropriate the word as a term they use for one another within certain social contexts. Surely that makes sense. And really, what situation would a white person be in to use the word that didn’t have racially- charge overtones. I mean, do you find yourself next in line at Taco Bell and when the guy behind the counter asks for your order, you have to fight the urge to say, “ Yeah, n—–, let me get a chalupa.” And come on, do you really think white folks not being allowed to use the “ the n word” is discrimination? Comedian Chris Rock, when performing at a comedy club once described the difference between being black and being white like this: “ How good is it to be white? There’s a white one- legged busboy working here that wouldn’t trade places with me, and I’m rich.”]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: