Text The Times.
Text The Times.
This is a letter to the editor in the Little Rock Democrat Gazette Saturday [ Editor’s Note: See Photo]. I don’t care if you are a Democrat or a Republican or an Independent or a Female or a Male or whatever – this should offend and embarrass you. It certainly does offend me to the core as a proud American woman. [ Editor’s Note: I’m sure Mr. Sellers ( if that is his name) thought he was being funny, or clever, or you know, maybe he was serious. This election has brought out a lot of ugliness. He could probably have substituted any number of words ( blacks, homosexuals, the poor, immigrants, etc.) where he said “ women” and at least some folks would have been on his side, so hopefully now that the election has passed, we can put at least some of that behind us]
*** A few days ago you gave a grammar lesson on the use of certain words which indicated to me you are quite concerned with correct word usage. However in the Nov. 2nd issue of “our view” the issue of the use of there and their arose incorrectly. In paragraph 2, there was used when their would have been correct, then in the next to last paragraph, there was correctly used. I have seen this same error occur in several past issues. Don’t you proofread your work? I really enjoy text the times, but I couldn’t resist this little jab! Thanks [ Editor’s Note: My wife is an English teacher with more degrees than an thermometer, and trust me, you can’t sneak a hanging participle or split infinitve past her. She even gives me grief for not using the Oxford comma ( you know… red, white and blue instead of red, white, and blue), so I’m sure I’ll hear from her about this *** Aman wants to work for West Memphis Water Department but is told he has to live in West Memphis first. Then how can a man work there while he lives in Hughes and runs for the city council in Hughes? He even drives a West Memphis water truck home to Hughes sometimes. Is the Hughes man related to someone in the water department? Doesn’t seem fair. [ Editor’s Note: This seems like a very specific story to simply be hypothetical. I’m not privy to the hiring practices of the City of West Memphis, so I couldn’t comment. However, I am looking for a Sports Reporter, if you know anyone with experience in that area…
even if they live in Hughes]
*** All VETERANS are invited to a special program at Marion Elementary gym this Thursday or Friday at 9:30 a.m. [ Editor’s Note: Always good to see someone doing something in honor of our veterans. Always worth noting that this Friday is, indeed, Veterans Day, honoring all of our servicemen and servicewomen, past and present. It occasionally is treated like Memorial Day, so it’s worth a little clarification]
*** I have seen that the Quorum court has a form that for the people of Earle to fill out if they need a ride to Walmart. The court is trying to look into the feasibility of providing transportation. I appreciated the courts efforts but my issue with this is what kind of message are you sending to our 2 Dollar Stores. One just invested in a new building. These stores have food items and we also have a meat market trying to get started. I think this is the wrong message to be sending.
[ Editor’s Note: It would seem that residents that want to shop at the local dollar stores would still have access to those stores. I mean, they’re not proposing “ mandatory” shopping at Walmart. I’d be interested in hearing what the right “ message to be sending” would, in your opinion, be]
*** I promise before God this is the truth. A lady early voted and previewed her about three times. Each time she reviewed her votes had been changed from one candidate to the other. Finally on the fourth time she managed to get the right selection to show on the voting machine. This is not a right wing or a left wing statement. [ Editor’s Note: I’m curious to know how it is that you have credible, first- hand verification that this happened. Was this local? I only ask, because I have had exactly zero other reports of this being the case]
one. Wait… Honey?]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: