Text The Times.
Text The Times.
So Mrs. Holliman you think you have devised a scheme so you can win an election in Marion by trying to convince the Marion City Council to change from at large to ward voting?? You have a better chance of winning at large because more people can vote for you… but the last time you ran for the council position, you LOST in every ward in Marion!!! Now tell us again about voting in wards only!! [ Editor’s Note: I’m not taking a side here, mainly because I see merits on both sides of the issue, but have you even considered the possibility that she’s simply proposing the change because she truly believes that it will give individual voting districts better representation of their needs? Or did you just immediately assume that her proposal was a self- serving measure?]
*** The Trump sign takers were at it again. Wednesday my second sign was taken from my yard on Alta Vista Drive in Marion. But, this time the takers were apprehended by the Marion police. Wednesday afternoon two police officers, three teenagers, their parents, and my Trump sign showed up in my driveway. One of the lads returned my sign, offered a sincere apology, which I excepted. One of the officers asked did I want to press charges. I said I did not. There was little reason to have a misdemeanor theft charge on the lads record over a childish prank, “no harm no fowl.” — Signed, a compassionate adorable, deplorable [ Editor’s Note: I think I’m starting to get “ election fatigue,” so I’m glad we’ve only got a week to go.
I’m also glad you were reunited with your Trump signs. Just FYI, you “ accepted” his apology, not “ excepted” … unless you actually meant you did not include his apology in something, and… I chuckled a bit at this one, the expression is “ no harm no foul,” unless you are simply letting me know that no ducks or chickens were harmed during the sign- stealing incident. Yep, that’s where I am with this election… playing grammar police]
*** I agree with the person on the crossing guards on so avalon and Vanderbilt she never gets out of her car and people never slow down who pays these people the lady at Bragg stands on the corner has for many many years even in the rain get rid of those people who want a job. [ Editor’s Note: Clearly I’m not everywhere all of the time, but I definitely got stopped by the crossing guard there when going out to take a picture. Now, that was last school year some time, so it might have been someone else, and that might not be the norm, but I’d be hesitant to use words like “ never” when really, you don’t know, right? On the other hand, I’ll agree with you 100 percent on the crossing guard at Bragg. I have sent two kids through Bragg, and she is very, very good at what she does. I can’t say “ always” because I’m not there every day, but every time I see her on the job she is top- notch]
*** Is it too late to register to vote?
[ Editor’s Note: It’s never too late to register to vote! Oh wait, do you mean for this election? If so, then yes. The deadline was Oct. 10. However, you can still register to vote. In fact, I’d recommend you go ahead and do it while it’s still on your mind, and you only have to do it once. Or, you can wait until you renew your driver’s license and do it then. They’ll ask you if you want to register ( right about the time they’re asking about being an organ donor), and if you tell them yes, they do a few clicks and you’re all set]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: