Our View
Our View
Exercise your right to vote – and vote smart!
For all those voters out there who are still confused as to what amendments are on the ballot and who to vote for in Crittenden County allow us to, once again, attempt to make this as simple as possible to understand.
While there have been several stories printed about the amendments and the candidates seeking our votes, including the lead story on the opening day of early voting here our thoughts on the seven ballot issues, two of which made void by the Arkansas Supreme Court.
ISSUE NO. 1–Vote FOR. This is a proposed amendment that would increase the terms of certain county officers, such as our sheriff and county judge, from two years to four.
ISSUE NO. 2–Vote FOR. This proposed amendment would allow the governor to retain his or her powers and duties when the governor is out of state. Currently, these powers are transferred to the lieutenant governor when the governor is out of the state.
ISSUE NO. 3–Vote FOR. A proposed state constitutional amendment concerning job creation, job expansion and economic development. Currently the state constitution limits the state government’s ability to borrow money by issuing bonds. This amendment removes those limits.
ISSUE NO. 4-Vote won’t count. The lawsuit reform amendment of 2016: An amendment to limit attorney contingency fees and non-economic damages in medical lawsuits. This is one of two amendments that were determined flawed by state justices. ISSUE NO. 5–Vote won’t count. An amendment to allow three casinos to operate in Arkansas. This is the second amendment on the ballot that state justices rejected.
ISSUE NO. 6–Vote AGAINST. The Arkansas Medical marijuana amendment. This is one of two marijuana issues that lets people of any age who have at least one of 21 medical conditions use marijuana. It authorizes 4-8 individuals to operate marijuana farms.
ISSUE NO. 7–Vote AGAINST. The Arkansas Medical Cannabis Act. This proposed state law lets people of any age who have at least one of 60 medical conditions use marijuana. Marijuana would be sold at about 40 retail stores. Marijuana users who live more than 20 miles from a marijuana store could grow up to 10 marijuana plants at home.
The political positions with opposition in Crittenden County are: –Justice of the Peace District 9. Kenneth Cross (D) and Steven Jefferson.
–Anthonyville alderman Position 4: Mildora Hicks and Roy Eason.
–Earle alderman Ward 2, Position 2: Brenda Morris Charlie Young, Ward 4, Position 2: Sarah Johnson, Robert Udell Sr. and Tyronne Hurst.
–Horseshoe Lake Alderman Position 2: Shawn Siders and Garry Hahne.
–Jericho alderman Position 2: Juanita Edwards and Gregory Fisher.
–Marion city council Jasper 1: Kelly O’Neal and Matthew Hale.
–Jasper 3: Bryan Jackson and Sherry Holliman.
–Turrell city council Position 4: Emmanual Harrison and Eddie Mae Hale.
–West Memphis alderman Ward 1, Position 2: Tracy Catt and Alex Dunlap.
Ward 3, Position 2, Don Christian and Hiriam Croom. Ward 5, Position 2, Willis Mondy and Alfred Felton.
Exercise your right to VOTE!