New ‘Enhanced’ Driver’s Licesnes, ID’s now available
New ‘Enhanced’ Driver’s Licesnes, ID’s now available
Arkansans now have a new option when applying for or renewing their driver’s license. You may choose the new Arkansas Voluntary Enhanced Security DL or ID.
This new card will be compliant with the Federal “REAL ID Act of 2005,” and will provide enhanced security from fraud and identity theft. The new card will cost the same as a regular DL or ID card. The new card will also contain a gold star shown on the upper right corner.
You may choose to renew your regular DL or ID cards, which are not compliant with the Federal “REAL ID Act of 2005.” The non-compliant cards will be marked, “Not for Federal Identification.”
On Oct. 1, 2020, anyone who boards a domestic flight or enters a federal building will either need an Arkansas Voluntary Enhanced Security Driver’s License (DL) or Identification Card (ID), or will need to provide a regular card and additional accepted forms of identification.
In order to be compliant with the Federal “REAL ID Act of 2005” any person entering a federal facility or boarding a domestic flight after October 1, 2020 will need to provide either the Voluntary Enhanced Security DL or ID, or provide a regular card and additional accepted forms of identification. The Voluntary Enhanced Security DL or ID card will be accepted without additional forms of identification.
If you do not have a Voluntary Enhanced Security DL or ID card, you can still use your regular card after October 1, 2020, but will be required to show additional forms of identification to the Transportation Security Administration to board an airplane or enter a federal facility.
State and federal law will only allow either a Voluntary Enhanced Security DL or ID or a regular DL or ID. You may not have both.
To received the Voluntary Enhanced Security DL or ID, you must provide source documents to prove all of the following: • Legal Presence and Identity
• Residency
• Social Security Number If you have a current, valid DL, you may convert to a Voluntary Enhanced Security DL for a $10 duplicate card charge.
An 8-year Voluntary Enhanced Security DL costs $40. If you are within one year of the expiration date, you may renew and convert to the Voluntary Enhanced Security 8-year DL. The $40 cost will be prorated so that the expiration date on your card is your birthday.
For a complete list of locations to obtain the card visit .
If you still have questions, call (501) 682-7059. You can also email your questions to
State Representative Deborah Ferguson